
Similarly to last year, I stuck with the old FM and used LFCMarshall's database. Once he stopped updating it in favor of FM15, I took it upon me to keep it updated as well as I could. He gave me again the permission to share my file with you, so while we're waiting for FM16 to be released, this file should help you have some more fun with FM14!

It should cover the top5 leagues or so, promotions/relegations done and most transfers until now. Champions League participants have been updated as well, but not the Europa League though. I'm aware not everything's perfect so if you'd like me to make some changes or simply give some feedback, feel free to drop a comment.

- Download and extract the file (with a program such as Winrar) to: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\editor data
- If there is no editor data folder, simply create one inside the FM14 folder.
- Once in game: Press new game, on the box that appears tick the little tick box bottom right to 'change' database - choose my update on the next screen. Make sure to untick other databases or they'll conflict and all hell will break loose on your game!

Mac Users:
Download and place the files into: ( MAC already extracts the file automatically )
Macintosh HD/users/Name.../Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\editor data... create an editor data folder if there is not one
Then Start a new game. a box will appear when you click new game. Bottom right of that is a change button. tick it and continue, Next screen tick "Summer 2014 Update"... Then continue as usual.
9 years ago
2 weeks ago
i cant seem to select england
11 years ago
3 years ago
You must have selected another database along with this one causing them to conflict.
9 years ago
2 weeks ago
i tried to clear everything and select the only database still cant select england
11 years ago
3 years ago
- This database is for FM14, it will not work properly with FM13 or FM15
- You must play with the latest Steam version, I can't say if other versions would work
- If other databases are activated, they are likely to conflict.
- The file downloaded is compressed, you have to unzip it as described above, otherwise it will not work

I can't say much more than that on my end, this sums up most issues people have had in the past. England does work with this database, I assure you.
15 years ago
7 years ago
i will try and i will give a feedback mate
10 years ago
13 hours ago
i will try and i will give a feedback mate
why no possible select england?sorry for my bad english

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