Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
hey guys

Im running a brand new alienware laptop with 8ram all new specs etc, however when i load up more then 6 contureis to play it makes my laptops fan really really loud and my laptop is overheating? Is this something normal or just for the beta? Does this mean i cant play with alot of leagues loaded? I was planing on doing a long term pentagon save but im worried about what it could do to my laptop with the fan speed . When i start the game I still have 2plus stars of performance . Has anyone else how laptop issues with fm 16 making loud fan noises?

Al;so it happens if i use the 3d match enginig. Ive never had this problem before even with a older 2011 laptop for fm 15.
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
anyone had this porblem
11 years ago
4 months ago
I have the same problem for matchdays on my MacBook Pro 2015. It's a problem they're investigating but not sure if we'll see a fix before Friday
12 years ago
1 month ago
FM has always been a processor hog and it's very evident when using laptops for obvious reasons. There's a few things you can try to soften the blow. You can relax the graphical settings a tad, to help in the ME. You can remove some of the leagues. I only play with England and Scotland but I still have 105,000 players in my database. You should be running the laptop on full power and off the mains for the best experience. I've got an ASUS ROG here with a GTX980M and even this struggles off the battery. On the plus side it's a remarkably quiet laptop, virtually silent in fact, and although the fan does increase exponentially with FM it's not the end of the world for me.
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
Im only using 5 leagues and 20000 players and it still burns up so much this is a laptop i bought like a month ago for over $1000 and has like 3.2htz processor.. this is shocking
12 years ago
1 month ago
Well maybe the game needs a little more optimization but I also know that Alienware laptops can be quite vocal especially under pressure. Is there a quiet mode or something in the bios?
18 years ago
2 months ago
FM is a game that puts a high load on the processor, processors generate a lot of heat when under stress and by the nature of their design laptops are not ideally suited to dealing with that heat. The only way for your computer to keep your CPU cool is by running the CPU fan at high intensity.

SI might need to tweak and optimise the CPU usage, but there is nothing you can do on your end that wouldn't risk overheating your computer.

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