13 years ago
1 day ago
Hello guys,

First of all, sorry for putting this topic here. However, I think this is the only remaining place on the Internet where I can seek for an old scoreboard that I've been searching for desperately.
I need a scoreboard for FM2012. This is how it looks like:



So, I need the version of the scoreboard that goes at the bottom of the screen.

Has any of you folks, by any chance, got this scoreboard mod stored somewhere on your PCs??? If yes, could anyone upload it and share the link, please?

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
1 week ago
I remember this scoreboard and I love It so I join to this request
13 years ago
1 day ago
I remember this scoreboard and I love It so I join to this request

The request seems to be futile, unfortunately
13 years ago
1 day ago
Well, I have found this scoreboard incorporated into the Alavanja 2012 light tabbed skin. The skin itself is cool, it has got some other cool features besides this specific long-awaited scoreboard. However, it (the skin) appears to be a bit buggy, meaning that games sometimes crash in the middle of a match, offering no chance to save them. My conclusion is that the cause of the crashing is the skin itself.
So, if you'd like to have this scoreboard on your FM12, google for the abovementioned skin, but beware the crashes after the installing. :-/
13 years ago
1 day ago
Found it!

It's here in the attachment.

In case that you cannot see it, send me a pm and I'll upload it to a storage cloud.


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