All English leagues fully playable down to Level Eight. This includes relegation from Level Eight.
Fully tested over multiple seasons and working perfectly. Only leagues have been added. I'd recommend adding the players from the below leagues using 'advanced database' (see below). You may also want to select 'Add Players to Playable Teams' to fill your squad if needed. Or not, I'm not your Dad!
Southern Premier
Isthmian Premier
Northern Premier Div One North
Northern Premier Div One South
Southern Div One Central
Southern Div One South & West
Isthmian Div One North
Isthmian Div One South
This database is not affiliated with any of the more popular Lower League databases. If you are after a richer lower league experience with full squads and scouted players with regional cups added then you would be best served waiting for one of them. This database is intended for those of you who need basic but functional access to levels 7 & 8 of the English pyramid right now!
Fully tested over multiple seasons and working perfectly. Only leagues have been added. I'd recommend adding the players from the below leagues using 'advanced database' (see below). You may also want to select 'Add Players to Playable Teams' to fill your squad if needed. Or not, I'm not your Dad!
Leagues added:
Northern PremierSouthern Premier
Isthmian Premier
Northern Premier Div One North
Northern Premier Div One South
Southern Div One Central
Southern Div One South & West
Isthmian Div One North
Isthmian Div One South
This database is not affiliated with any of the more popular Lower League databases. If you are after a richer lower league experience with full squads and scouted players with regional cups added then you would be best served waiting for one of them. This database is intended for those of you who need basic but functional access to levels 7 & 8 of the English pyramid right now!
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ger obrien