15 years ago
1 month ago

In this thread you can find the download links for every individual team. Beside that, you can use this threat to tell others what teams or leagues you will be making, so two or more people wouldn't make the same team. It would be a shame, since we can't add two different pictures of the same player in the megapack.

If you want to help make Exclusive '10 facepack, read the following carefully:
- the player must be in his club's kit (International kits are not allowed)
- the picture must be from the 2016./2017. season (unless there isn't one)
- this is an „action facepack“, using static pictures from the clubs official website is not allowed
- the face of the player must be visiable
- positioning the player is very important (TUTORIAL LINK)

Other tutotials:
- Video tutorial (only on croatian)
- How to organize the folder for facepacks
- How to make a config file for facepacks
- How to extract ID-s using FM

Requests for making a team/league

If is possible for you to ask us to make and individual club or a league, but first you need to do the following: Find the pictures of players and staff for the entire club or league. You can pack the pictures in a .zip file and uploud them on a file sharing site (MediaFire, ZippyShare, MEGA&hellip and link it in your post with the request. The other method is to post the online link of every picture you want us to make and paste it in the post.

For us to make it, every team must have at least 25 pictures. The following also needs to be done:
- the player must be in his club's kit (International kits are not allowed)
- the picutere must be from the 2016./2017. season (unless there isn't one)
- this is an „action facepack“, using static pictures from the clubs official website is not allowed
- the face of the player must be visiable
15 years ago
1 month ago
DOWNLOAD (season 2016/17)

WORK IN PROGRESS (season 2016/17) English Premierhsip - Mata123 Italian Serie A
AC Milan - CRooY3
8 years ago
8 years ago
hi i will make the facepack for romanian football

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