18 years ago
10 months ago
I pre-ordered FM2017 with the free copy of FM Touch 2017 through you yesterday and activated the code on Steam, but I was just wondering, how will I get the FM Touch app on my iPad? Is there some way to link my Steam account to my iTunes Store account to get the app that way, or am I missing something?
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
Sorry it comes with a free copy of FM Touch for Steam, not for Tablet, our store is a Steam store. The tablet versions can be purchased seperately either through the Play store or Itunes
14 years ago
5 hours ago
Wasn't FM Touch in with the 2016 game already and if so why are they making such a big deal about it being free if you pre order if its only on PC/MAC version that has always been free anyway? Surely it should be the tablet version they're giving away as an incentive.

Admittedly i could be completely wrong as i've not played 2016 for so long i can't remember what options are on the main menu screen.
18 years ago
10 months ago
Sorry it comes with a free copy of FM Touch for Steam, not for Tablet, our store is a Steam store. The tablet versions can be purchased seperately either through the Play store or Itunes

Thanks for the clarification. It would have been better to know that before I spent all that money, but to be fair, £28 for FM2017 for PC alone is a pretty good deal, especially since I wouldn't have got that much discount even with the "5% off for each previous version" deal I saw recently. However, it would have been nice to have it clarified that I wasn't getting an iPad compatible version earlier in the process. I guess I was mislead by the Apple logo on the offer page...

[EDIT] Apologies for the double post
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Doesn't the apple logo just mean you can play it on a Mac? For those poor souls who use those.
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
Thanks for the clarification. It would have been better to know that before I spent all that money, but to be fair, £28 for FM2017 for PC alone is a pretty good deal, especially since I wouldn't have got that much discount even with the "5% off for each previous version" deal I saw recently. However, it would have been nice to have it clarified that I wasn't getting an iPad compatible version earlier in the process. I guess I was mislead by the Apple logo on the offer page...

[EDIT] Apologies for the double post

Sorry if that's confusing. That's taken directly from the Steam store and does just mean that it works on Windows, Linux and Apple.

I've updated the text now to avoid any further confusion, I really appreciate your feedback, i'm sorry there's nothing I can do retrospectively.

I have asked SI/SEGA if there's anyway we can get codes from apple/google for the tablet version. But apparently they themselves were only allowed 30 or so last year and they don't have a reseller program as far as i'm aware, so there's very little chance of that happening as far as I know.
18 years ago
10 months ago
Doesn't the apple logo just mean you can play it on a Mac? For those poor souls who use those.

Yeah, it does, I realise that now. I guess I've just got so used to Apple as a mobile device manufacturer, I didn't think about the alternative (despite me using a Mac at work pretty much every day). But like I say, it's not that bad considering I still get FM Touch for free on top of the best price I've seen FM2017 for so far.
15 years ago
2 months ago

I would like to order FM 2017 from you. Is there a any way to pay it via paypal?
15 years ago
2 months ago

I would like to order FM 2017 from you. Is there a any way to pay it via paypal?
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
Unfortunately not although I could possibly set this up if you wish
15 years ago
2 months ago
Yes, I would like to help you guys. You doing wonderful job. And if this is the way to help you, I will to order game through you. Please send me instruction in PM (game + subscription)
13 years ago
2 years ago
Hi. How can purchase as here: **

It's allways 50€ in the shop
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
The email went out with UK prices but the prices are region specific. Unfortunately we can't offer a better price than what's listed on the store
13 years ago
2 years ago
The email went out with UK prices but the prices are region specific. Unfortunately we can't offer a better price than what's listed on the store

33.29£ = 36.50€ . why I have only 50.24€ with fm touch (i dont want this) ?
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
33.29£ = 36.50€ . why I have only 50.24€ with fm touch (i dont want this) ?

I said:

prices are region specific

SEGA set a different price for the game depending on region, our price is €35.52 plus 20% VAT is €42.62 then we add €5.95 profit and the rest is credit card charges.
13 years ago
2 years ago
Nothing said in your email prices is only nationalism prices ..

35 in UK 50 outside? what happen to premium members?

I didn't know sega was english.
13 years ago
2 years ago
How can I remove this fmtouch (i dont want it) ?

Thank you.
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
How can I remove this fmtouch (i dont want it) ?

Thank you.

Sorry I don't understand what you mean. You can't remove FM Touch it's FREE. It doesn't effect the price in anyway.
13 years ago
2 years ago
I brought the deal l so that I could play Fm touch on my Android as well why on earth can I not download it to my tablet
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Because FM Mobile is for your tablet, not FM Touch afaik.
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
Because FM Mobile is for your tablet, not FM Touch afaik.

That's incorrect, FM Mobile is for mobiles, FM Touch is for tablets, but the deal only ever included FM Touch for Steam, it was a Steam deal.
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
My bad, it gets confusing!

So do you download steam to tablet and then fm touch?
11 years ago
3 years ago
Hi, Is the main copy just a digital download? or do you get a physical copy of the disk and case?

18 years ago
3 minutes ago
My bad, it gets confusing!

So do you download steam to tablet and then fm touch?

No they're two seperate apps, you need to buy from Steam to play on your laptop/desktop and buy from the apple/android app store to play on tablet.

So to do cross-play you have to buy twice.

UNLESS you buy the full version of FM17, then you get Touch 17 free for Steam and just have to buy the tablet version.

Hi, Is the main copy just a digital download? or do you get a physical copy of the disk and case?


Just a digital download

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