FC'12 Kits

The FC'12 Kits are a beautiful collection of kits made by the guys at FM Slovakia. A great alternative to the SS Kits.
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FC'12 Kits
Brazil Serie A kitpack for season 2016 contanis 56 real kits; home, away and third for most clubs in beautiful FC'12 style.You're satisfied with our work and thinking about to donate a small amount?Your donation is more than welcome to guarantee the future of this project.Please do it trough the Donation page in the menu. Thank you.Brazil kits have a
18 years ago
6 hours ago
Keep em coming
11 years ago
1 year ago
Some kits aren't showing up:

America MG - All three kits aren't showing;
Flamengo - Away and Third;
Fluminense - Third;
Palmeiras - Home;
Santa Cruz - Away;

14 years ago
6 months ago
Some kits aren't showing up:

I will try to find whats wrong with them or what are you doing wrong. Thank yuo for feedback. Cheers!
Ivo Jeurninck
9 years ago
1 week ago
Hi, same problem here, so probably it is not something that we did wrong... but the config file seems fine to me.....
12 years ago
1 day ago
I think I figure out the problem: the jerseys that are not showing up are the ones that have "2016 versions", so the FC'12 versions can't "override" them. It worked, for me, when I went to the editor and deleted the year of the jerseys. (note that Fluminense don't use 3rd kit anymore)

Btw, these are the most beautiful kits style ever. Thanks for the good work!
11 years ago
1 year ago
I think I figure out the problem: the jerseys that are not showing up are the ones that have "2016 versions", so the FC'12 versions can't "override" them. It worked, for me, when I went to the editor and deleted the year of the jerseys. (note that Fluminense don't use 3rd kit anymore)

That worked for me, thank you very much!

By the way, these kits are a masterful piece of art, Great work guys!
7 years ago
7 years ago
Ola amigos, não consigo ativar nenhum pack de kits, esta tudo na pasta indicada mas não funciona, o que preciso fazer?

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