Collection of panels and graphics tweaks by Wannachupbrew.
Anything included in this skin can be used in other skins as long as credit is given.

Only compatible with 1920x1080 resolution right now but I'm working on making it 1366x768 compatible.

  • Instant Result button
  • New Titlebar
  • New Player Overview and panels
18 years ago
1 month ago
Excellent stuff, well done.
Dite De Molay
11 years ago
7 years ago
Any updated version for full version game?
Rich B
18 years ago
1 month ago
When will the laptop screen size be available please?
15 years ago
9 hours ago
The best skin ever!! When will it be ready? When you see players profile and you pick one position his attributes in that position dont highlight.
Enzo Lunatic
8 years ago
6 months ago
is it possible to be an update and low res version??

PS. Excellent skin!!!
Kevin Swain
8 years ago
1 year ago
I'm beginning to lose hope in having this for FM 17. Sad days...
12 years ago
1 week ago
I'm beginning to lose hope in having this for FM 17. Sad days...

wannachupbrew is like this, he has a history of making skins and not finishing them, look at his FM16 one, the same old - it never left beta.
11 years ago
4 months ago
wannachupbrew is like this, he has a history of making skins and not finishing them, look at his FM16 one, the same old - it never left beta.
Last year's version did leave beta. I'm not sure how I have a history of not finishing skins when I've made 3 and haven't finished 1, which is the current year's skin. The skin is very much still in development, If you want a skin hastily thrown together with different parts of other people's work then there's plenty of other skins out there. I'd prefer to spend the time to work on everything myself and make something original.
12 years ago
1 week ago
Last year's version did leave beta. I'm not sure how I have a history of not finishing skins when I've made 3 and haven't finished 1, which is the current year's skin. The skin is very much still in development, If you want a skin hastily thrown together with different parts of other people's work then there's plenty of other skins out there. I'd prefer to spend the time to work on everything myself and make something original.

I understand that, and sorry if it came across wrong, but maybe you should also update your original post and the download page to being what version AND by answering your replies from people how like your work

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