FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 11 Mar 2025
  • 108,541 Changes
  • 608 Contributors
  • FM24.3

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8 years ago
8 years ago
Well you engage and take responsibility unlike the others who don't say anything (even re. their mistakes) so it's unsurprising if you are mistaken for leading. Again though why chase up other people's submissions if incomplete that's similar to what I just said.

Anyway please, please, please only use transfermarkt, footballdatabase and even soccerway sometimes as guides only (to all of you)

12 years ago
3 years ago
well, i'm not leading the section, so i'm just one more.
most of my submissions are not my submissions, but edited from other users that didnt add all the info needed
8 years ago
8 years ago
You could clearly do with some more help. A lot of it could be avoided though and in turn help with the issues. If it's that bad you/your helpers should just approve and not submit. Reduces the pressure/work on you. Then there won't be people approving their own submissions, so that problem would be sorted too (I think this is a problem and where most of the errors happen) Whilst I certainly wouldn't expect you to search for sources for other people's submissions. If the source isn't good enough, just reject, end of your responsibility and quick. It sounds like 'you'/your helpers are doing too much and this is creating some of the problems.
12 years ago
3 years ago

I went afk for 3 days and had 200 submitions to take care, so go easy on me, you don't see more staff helping me on that matter xD
Imagine wasting 60 seconds in each one, would take me 3 hours to complete, so it's not a one man army as i don't get paid xD
i can't be afk for a little that you guys shot each others xD

1 - So those people you are talking about about got their own permissions submiting accurated transfers, and in a case of someone from the staff missing at least we have a certain level of update.

2 - Of course there is not only 2 options, but it is what we can work into, it is as viable as other one, if they have errors? Of course they have, but for some reason we've been fixed it. Most of the issues occur in lower leagues in England but you have some local newspapers, bbc, skysports or other sources to see also. You can't expect to check easily a 3rd division player from Belize.
And if you provided a different source than submitted from other user, i usually change it everytime i see it.
8 years ago
8 years ago
At least one person can engage in a sensible manner but you don't really answer what I'm saying...

A few questions.

Why can't you approve each others submissions? Surely you appreciate the level of due diligence is significantly reduced when people approve their own submissions. People should be more vigilant with each other's submissions. The approval process is pointless as it stands, why have it if you can approve your own?!

Why do you expect one or two website to detail every transfer? Why don't you use as a guide? There's no websites which exist with every transfer accurately detailed, that's unrealistic and none of you should expect it, this is part of the increasing culture of laziness I allude to. There's no need when you can google the player's name and 'new club' and find greater detail. Takes seconds most of the time (I know because I've spent a month working on my own database) Some might take a couple of minutes but I would question the effectiveness of the search terms if it's taking longer. If the transfer is hard to find then that should raise questions itself. Whilst if it reduces the block of submissions someone submits and approves then I don't view that as a bad thing as I highly suspect the longer the lists submitted by one person the longer the number of errors. It might mean things get added a day or so later but again that's not a bad thing if the accuracy is improved.

It's not like there are only two options, what you suggest above or reliance on, there's other options which you either ignore or dismiss! These updates used to be much better when they worked closer to how I detail above so you/they have shown in the past that things can be better without expecting 1/2 websites for everything.

Everything seems to be geared corner cutting these days.

12 years ago
3 years ago
Why is the same person approving their own submissions? There's no accountability, no wonder there's so many mistakes these days. Poor sources and poor processes.

if you have some websites that post really approved and accurate feel free to share xD
at this moment both websites that you said are like 70% of our Data Update and i have a question for you:
do you prefer to have (for example) 80% of the Transfers Updated and have to fix the others 20% or otherwise?

in my opinion i would prefer the 1st one, we are a community here, if you have any more sources than the ones we are using just feel free to comment and i'll fix it as soon as i see it.

and we are welcome to criticism, but at least for me i'm doing the best i can.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Pathetic, childish response. With that kind of attitude the processes will never improve. This has been going down-hill for a while accepting such poor sources and people approving their own submissions. It used to be much better here, now it's very lazy. and transfermarkt are POOR sources and extremely unreliable.

Take the criticism constructively rather than like a child (if you actually matter, you're probably a non-bod like me) If they publicly provide downloads then they must be open to criticism as they effect other people's games! I don't cry when people offer constructive criticism of the downloads I provide publicly (I make skins) In fact I expect it, I welcome it. I can just as easily say if they don't like my criticisms then they shouldn't make it accessible to the public but then I'm not a child. I want them to improve what they're doing. If you've got nothing constructive to say don't bother.
12 years ago
6 days ago
Dude if you dont liked .. go away !! Or create a website and do better
8 years ago
8 years ago
Why is the same person approving their own submissions? There's no accountability, no wonder there's so many mistakes these days. Poor sources and poor processes.
12 years ago
6 days ago
12 years ago
6 days ago
disabled please ..
Junya TanakaJunya Tanaka is now on loan to ReysolReysol until 30th June 2016 paying 100% of wages. The loan deal includes an option to buy the player for £1.2m.
Submitted by SirTAVARES 01 Feb 2016 17:13:35 (SirTAVARES Submissions)