SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,036
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Dec 2024

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Zinedine Zaiddin
Can help to post sample kit that you refer to? I ain't sure which one
Here more work for 3D kits, not FM View tho.
Zinedine Zaiddin
Ah yes, sorry I didn't recall it correctly
thats cool
Zinedine Zaiddin
All the best for your London City career
WOW !!! Thanks mate
Home Kit: Green and white stripes (picture attached)
Away Kit: Plain navy
Third kit: Plain yellow (picture attached)
Logo and some images of the home kit attached, as well as an image for the third kit
Zinedine Zaiddin
Here they are, mate
Thanks so much, these are amazing!
Really like these, wow. I know it's an old post, but any chance of making a black 3rd kit and adding Fly Emirates on all three? That would be so awesome
Blue Emirates on the white one, and white on the blue and black ones.
Zinedine Zaiddin
Did you just go back pages by pages?
Okay mate, I'll check again if I do keep my olde .psd file to cater your request
Good that I found them. Here they are
I was searching for "real madrid"
Thanks, great work!
Home: Red
Away: Blue
Third: Yellow or Gold - whichever you think looks better!
Sponsor: None
One change: Would like the diagonal sash not to be faded if possible.
Zinedine Zaiddin
Not sure why but my browser seems taking too long to fetch your image...I can't see the pic.
These style kits. Home kit colors green with a white stripe and the away kit colors white with a red stripe.
Thank you!!!!
And just in case that doesn't work for some reason:
Appreciate it mate!
Zinedine Zaiddin
Sorry lads, I don't know how long it will take to fix - most probably I had to fork out my savings to get new monitor. Until then, I'm unable to take requests.
Hopefully other forumer will take up the task :'(
Would someone be able to make me a home and away kit for Stamford?
Home kit: dark red, simple design, no sponsor, nike
Away kit: same as home but yellow or gold whichever looks nicer
Also, I know this is a kit thread, but if possible could you make a fantasy logo for the club? Kind of in the style of the Salford logo. No text, just a shape with a lion in it? If that's not possible, then the current logo is fine.
Thanks in advance!
albe legat
Away - White
Third - Yellow
Sponsor - tcokep
Badge -
Brand: New Balance
Congratulations to all kitmakers
So here goes my request:
- Club: Lazio
- Brand: Adidas
- Sponsor: Eme
- Templates: Home/away/third
- Just apply Lazio's colors (Light blue) accordingly
- Sponsor word in white
- Sponsor word in white
- Just replace the blue on the kit for the sandard light blue
- Sponsor word in black
In all 3 kits:
- Coppa Italia winners badge in the center
- Serie A TIM badge on left sleeves
- Mirror the M and E in the sponsor → EME
- Make an Italian flag out of the line of the sponsor (Except on away make both line/word white)
Thanks in advance
Question: I've got a couple of fantasy kits I've collected from all over the internet.
Can I create a new topic or should upload the file on here?
Badge (sorry coudn't find any better):
Please add one brown star over the badge.
- Home: Black with white trim
- Away: Blue with white trim
Sponsor's badges:
- Home: Logitech
- Away: BMW
Kit Manufacturer: whatever
Sponsor: none
Colours: Home: Yellow-Black
Away: White-Yellow
Kit Manufacturer: whatever
Sponsor: Temag
Colours: Home: Claret & blue liek
Away: Any colour or design, not fussed.
I would like kits for my Fantasy team IWF
for club logo use this
for sponsor use this
home kit like image atached
away kit like image atached
for third kit choose a template that you like and use colours: red, light blue and white
Thanks for your work and that you make time to help us!
Tunç Öztürk
Attila Szalóczi
I would like kit's.
Team: Leeds United
Kits: Nike
Sponsor: Carlsberg
Home kit: White, blue and yellow
Away kit: Yellow, and white
Third kit: Blue kit and yellow
Thank you!
Can anyone do the NEW Newcastle Utd jersey with black and silver stripes - Home
Black and gold plain (like Notts Forest away 2016) - away
Camo like Napoli - Third
Could someone please make me some Arsenal kits based on the leaked images of next seasons possible kits?
Instead of Puma, can they be by Nike?
Sposored by Fly Emirates.
Home: Can I have it the same colours, but with just a regular white round collar and not a proper collar like in the image?
Away: Can I have it just in solid dark blue, with dark blue collar/trim?
Third: Can I please have this all in the dark grey, with a dark grey round collar and not a proper collar?