FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 13 Mar 2025
  • 108,726 Changes
  • 610 Contributors
  • FM24.3

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9 years ago
4 hours ago
Our latest information tells us that the # Offshore Off Shockwave will be the new Olympiakos relay !!!!!!!
Management has raised its proposal to the player (From € 900,000 per year to € 1,350,000) and the transfer must be considered .
13 years ago
2 weeks ago
So you are saying that some random greek journalist says that he will, okay. But he may be wrong, me and (I guess) mods don't know how legit he is (or the greek portals you link to), but for now he is not transferred and that's the fact.
9 years ago
4 hours ago
1,001 Close to wearing Olympic shirt is Ooh! In the last few hours a lot has been done ... And among them, the trip of Yannis Vrentzos to Poland, where they probably "locked out" everything.

The story is known. Hashi, however, insisted and wants him in the team. The administration is determined to realize this desire and so, as they all seem, in the next few hours Ofo will join the Olympiacos family.

From the very first moment, we had pointed out that "there is no Topic Who" that originally came out, perhaps a tactical move. When everything calmed down, Olympiacos made his strike and was about to dress in the red-white the player who wants no more than Hashi!
13 years ago
2 weeks ago
I mean, the alleged transfer to Olympiakos was reported by media even ~10 days ago, but nothing happened to this day, so yeah.
13 years ago
2 weeks ago
As far as I know the deal is (for now) the Olympiakos wants the guy, but NOTHING official happened, so the change shoudln't go in.
9 years ago
4 hours ago
1,001 Vadis Ojitza When he approaches the "Piraeus". According to information, the transfer of Lega Warsaw midfielder "ended" in the trip of the CEO of Olympiakos FC, Giannis Vrentzos to Poland, from where he returned to Athens Friday afternoon. It is noteworthy that Ofo is the first player that Besnik Hassi had requested from the leadership of Greece when he took over the technical leadership of Olympiakos.
14 years ago
1 week ago
is there a way I can edit this mistake within the editor but using your changes?
14 years ago
1 week ago
Vadis Odijidja isn;t on loan at Rotherham for the enitre season.

he is very much a part of the Norwich city first team. he only had a short term loan at the start of the season

could this please be changed in next update as hes an important player to the first team
Vadis OdjidjaVadis Odjidja has been transferred to NorwichNorwich.
Vadis OdjidjaVadis Odjidja now has a contract of £15k per week until 30th June 2017.
Submitted by Dezesseis 01 Oct 2015 12:05:00 (Dezesseis Submissions)
Vadis OdjidjaVadis Odjidja is now on loan to RotherhamRotherham until 30th September 2015 paying 100% of wages.
Submitted by Jason 01 Sep 2015 18:25:14 (Jason Submissions)