FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 13 Mar 2025
- 108,726 Changes
- 610 Contributors
- FM24.3
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bu sene 2017de kiralık geldi 31.05.2017 de başladığımızda onun sözleşmesi 2018de bitmesi gerekirken 2017de bitiyor bunun bi çağresi varmı ?
Cheers for that ...
Deal was confirmed at 6:15pm BST ... hahahahahaha
Never met such ungrateful and rude people ever.
I don't understand why you say me rude. Why should I be rude to the man I call my brother?
Are u happy bro? Last one, Kwadwo Asamoah.
Cheers for that ...
Deal was confirmed at 6:15pm BST ... hahahahahaha
Never met such ungrateful and rude people ever.
Full on crazy ....
How come if it was such a done deal ... how come the deal hasn't been confirmed ... 6 hours!
The rage has been quality mind
Are u happy bro? Last one, Kwadwo Asamoah.
Full on crazy ....
How come if it was such a done deal ... how come the deal hasn't been confirmed ... 6 hours!
The rage has been quality mind
Are u crazy bro?
Full on crazy ....
How come if it was such a done deal ... how come the deal hasn't been confirmed ... 6 hours!
The rage has been quality mind

Lol ... chill man ... chill. No confirmation = no deal.
Are u crazy bro?
This guy so stubborn.........
Yep ... and others are impatient!

Lol ... chill man ... chill. No confirmation = no deal.
This guy so stubborn.........
Lol ... chill man ... chill. No confirmation = no deal.

Nope ... not good enough sorry. Been agreed. PM if unsure. Can help you out.
I don't need help. Thanks though.
No. If i said to you i'd got a new job, but my employee's don't put out a press release, does that mean im not officially employed by them? No it doesn't.
For me, a player showing that he's signed for X Club is more than enough proof.
Nope ... not good enough sorry. Been agreed with Rob. PM if unsure. Can help you out.
What has been agreed and has always been agreed, for transfers (especially those involved clubs in Britain, where club official websites / twitter are good sources) then they are used. There is no official confirmation from the clubs, and until that time it won't change.
We got that @Jason ?
No. If i said to you i'd got a new job, but my employee's don't put out a press release, does that mean im not officially employed by them? No it doesn't.
For me, a player showing that he's signed for X Club is more than enough proof.
Go look at this insta-story, just posted a picture going to Istanbul
What has been agreed and has always been agreed, for transfers (especially those involved clubs in Britain, where club official websites / twitter are good sources) then they are used. There is no official confirmation from the clubs, and until that time it won't change.
Rivaldo Coetzee and Raphael Dwamena are two examples of transfers this window who were accepted based on that criteria and didn't actually emerge. No one went back either to correct the mistakes.
We got that @Jason ?
There is no point arguing ... wait until the deal is complete. Then it will go through.
Go look at this insta-story, just posted a picture going to Istanbul
There is no point arguing ... wait until the deal is complete. Then it will go through.
ok boss

Look at profile picture
There is no point arguing ... wait until the deal is complete. Then it will go through.
Clutching at straws ... last tweet was December 2016 ...

Oyuna 31.05.2017'de başlamamak
Bu güncelleme custom start date yamaları ile birlikte kullanılmak için tasarlanmadı, o yüzden oyuna ileri tarihte başladığın takdirde bu sıkıntıları hep yaşarsın.
Bu güncellemenin dizaynı bu şekilde, tüm gerçek zamanlı transferler oyunun orijinal başlangıç tarihine göre düzene giriyor.