SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Can you help get them into the game.?
Yes, please download any french league from this website with kits like these (SS type) - if you haven't done so already, and install them following instructions on download page.
Then you also copy my kits from this page and save them in same folder with french kits named like this:
where _1 kit would be home, and _2 is away.
Then you find config.xml find in same folder as kits and open it with notepad. You'll see a lot of repeating lines, coding for each kit. Copy these lines anywhere between lines or as last lines, or first lines:
<record from="annecy_1" to="graphics/pictures/team/1966/kits/home"/>
<record from="annecy_2" to="graphics/pictures/team/1966/kits/away"/>
This should be it, start your game, it should work with careers in progress.
It worked. Thanks
I flippin hope not
I work on these all the time and I'm updating packs almost on daily basis without mentioning it here. So feel free to use these links every few days, it's very likely there will be new high res kits.
A small preview:
Here are the links (they're always the same, even those on page 133 are still valid)
@bolid74, your efforts a massively appreciated! High-res kits certainly look the way forward for FM18, so I hope your dedication will encourage many others to create packs to the same high standard.
Keep up the good work!
Well, it's true that 414x414 are not high resolution in an absolute sense of the word, but they are highER resolution than standard 220x220. In short, high res :-)
FC12 are really a nice and sharp piece of graphics, very polished. They would look great on TV or in some magazine. In fact, I was split when contemplating which style to take and work with. I opted for SS because it seemed to have biggest support and acceptance. You can have all leagues in same SS style while FC12 is limited to higher leagues. SS also looks somehow closer to real shirts while FC12 looks - I wouldn't call them overexposed :-P but a bit "cartoonish". It's not a flaw per se, but I'm a sucker for realism, so I picked SS style.
I experimented with even higher resolution and I concluded that there's not much sense in going higher than 414x414 because FM17 is somehow resizing 2d kits and you actually can't see much of fine details. A good example would be my Brighton high-res kits, where I made a series of thin dark and light lines on the sleeves, but in game that surface looks smooth. Or Plymouth away where dotted chest pattern is resized into not-that-good squared mess. Perhaps for Plymouth away my 220x220 kits works better because I made dots bigger and out of proportion in order to have the appearance of dotted pattern (damn you Puma, so much trouble this year). We'll see in FM 18 how will this work.
Btw, I added link for National north few posts above, there are now few high res kits there as well.
Are kit makers likely to re-release packs so they use the high-res style, or would any other kit makers look to make the packs again with the larger kits?
I plan to remake Championship in high res. So far is 42 of 64 done. Other leagues will remain mixed, with some common kits done in 414x414, while unique, more complicated kits will remain in 220x220.
For next season situation will be better since I'll start right away to work on 414x414 (this year I worked directly on 220x220 so only way to make a high-res kit is to do it again). Next year levels 1-4 will be high-res, 5-6 mixed, 7 and below mostly low-res.
I absolutely agree with what you say bolid and it's the very reason I chose to go with your kits. When I say that some FC'12 kits are "overexposed" I was referring to those kits that has a majority white content and look bleached out and therefore lacking in fine detail. Your description of FC'12 being cartoonish is an accurate one and although ,as you say they are sharp they simply don't look real. Also the coverage across many more leagues is an important plus with SS kits and yes I'd previously downloaded the National North kits,as I do with all of your updated content. I'm looking forward to your continued great work in FM18 !
A grey version of Italy '90.
Fat Penlon
Fat Penlon
Sorry man, I can't take requests right now, especially not for high-res kits which take quite a lot of time to make
Fat Penlon
OK. Good work on what you have done hopefully more can help at some point.
Can a template be made available or basic layers for the shape and the shade and basic outline on what effects to add so other people can have a go? more people with the template and style means more people adding kits maybe?
Can you make me the Schalke 04 kit in 414x414?
Thank you
I noticed it too, however I was unable to find picture of it.