14 years ago
6 days ago
Has anyone produced a work around to add your own photo to your manager profile yet? Hate the blank image
16 years ago
1 week ago
With the release of the full game you'll have the 3d image of the manager you create.

Unfortunately you can't add custom images anymore, they've removed the option entirely.
13 years ago
5 months ago
It's insane - everyone in the whole game has their real face and I'm a 3D character. It takes the whole realism out of the front end.
I fully understand the argument of putting a 3D face on the 3D manager - but when you can change every other player to a photo and I still look like a character in an Amiga game it breaks immersion
17 years ago
2 months ago
This happened last year, and they said they wouldn't allow it, but there was so many requests by the users they cracked and allowed the function. I can only suggest we all put the pressure on them to relent and do it again...
Fat Penlon
12 years ago
5 years ago
Any tips on how to add a pic to the create a manager without it looking stretched and terrible like a playstation 1 fifa?
I hope they dont do this with the players eventually. It looks rubbish.

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