14 years ago
2 years ago
I'm playing with my good old fm2017 and I wanted to update the DB to start a new career.
However, I noticed that the latest version has the "Live Changes" file of a few Kb, while the version I downloaded a month ago had this file with a much larger size. Why?
If this depends on the output of the new FM, then the need to do everything from the beginning, does anyone have the latest DB before the release of version 18? (so when the "live charges" file was virtually complete!).
14 years ago
2 years ago
Ehi guys no news? I would like to start a new adventure with fm17
14 years ago
2 years ago
I downloaded the "correct" version (13 November) of the db for the FM17 but I found a problem (that was not in the version before release version 18): there is no future transfer and some players are left in their old teams (example Cuadrado with Chelsea !!!!)
I tried not to select "live changes" but it did not change anything. Can not you leave the DB with future transfers that were already set correctly?
Last thing .... I do not remember if "increased Player Ages" is left to be selected or not (even though I think it's optional)
Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to explain what happened to this DB.
Srđan Kojić
9 years ago
3 months ago
Same here mate, was left dissapointed to see that new version of data update for fm 2017 left out of some crucial information, Wolverhampton FC loans are not included, also ruben neves is contracted only until 2018. When IRL is 2021.

Would you please bring back old live data update files, because some of us are still playing fm17.

Thanks in advance
9 years ago
4 months ago
Posted this on another thread:

Figured out a temp solution, go to this link: and get the final change before the 11th Nov.

Hope it works, did for me.
Srđan Kojić
9 years ago
3 months ago
Dear BootlegBill,

May all the beautful women fall under your knees, let them be your slaves, and do whatever you want them to do.

Your solution fits my needs perfectly.

Thank you for you reply mate.

Best regards.
9 years ago
4 months ago
No problem, it was bugging me as well, so I want to help out as much as possible!
13 years ago
7 years ago
Hi there all of you,

I was asking myself why is there always different number of files ?
I mean I'm a bit confused because I don't know which one should I load or not...
One time it has the simple "base file" and previously no simple "base file" etc.
Even reduced player contract which is not more available in the newest DB to download.
So what's going on? haha
Thank you in advance for an answer
Srđan Kojić
9 years ago
3 months ago
E moj brate stakleni, dokolica, pa se izmišlja topla voda

I think that they are switching slowly to FM2018

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