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but I play with Man Utd and the panels are black too ???
Then you havent installed them properly, read the guide in the faq on page 1
but if I installed them correctly you want screens ???
Open up the ads.xml file located My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2018/ads
First of all you have to load the graphics into FM18 which is done by the following piece of code the near the top of the xml file
<!-- Hibernian ads, rabcp -->
<record id="2190" path="video_ads/scotland/clubs/macron" animated="true"/>
<record id="2191" path="pictures/ads/europe/clubs/scotland/spl/hibernian/marathonbet"/>
<record id="2192" path="pictures/ads/europe/clubs/scotland/spl/hibernian/skysports"/>
<record id="2193" path="pictures/ads/europe/clubs/scotland/spl/hibernian/espn"/>
What this code means
<record id="2191" - Assigns a unique id number to specific ad-board (you makes this number up but make sure it is not already in use elsewhere in the config)
path="video_ads/scotland/clubs/macron" animated="true"/> Location of a video adboard which has just been given a unique id number
path="pictures/ads/europe/clubs/scotland/spl/hibernian/marathonbet"/> - Location of a static adboard which has just been given a unique id number
The next bit of code determines where the previously assigned ad-boards will be displayed
<!-- Hibernian, rabcp -->
<list id="1575">
<integer value="2190"/>
<integer value="2191"/>
<integer value="2192"/>
<integer value="2193"/>
<integer value="2191"/>
<integer value="2192"/>
<integer value="2193"/>
What this code means
<!-- Hibernian, rabcp --> - Just identifies to whoever is reading the xml file what this piece of code is for competitions/clubs along with the author of the adboards.
<list id="17"> - Unique id of the competition/clubs the ad-boards are for
<integer value="2191"/> - Positions adboard number 2191 in to be displayed for games in the assigned competition/club.
No as Hibernian play in a ground under 30,000 static adboards will display automatically as below;
To allow Hibernian to display Video ads the following piece of code needs added at the bottom of the xml file, this can also been done for competitons or international teams;
<!-- All Hibernian home matches have to use LED -->
<record id="1575" led_force_flag="true" concatenate_next="true"/>
This code then turns on video ads and gives the below result
yip, screens of your peferences too
here are the preferences so now what do I have to do here ???
and yet again you have more than one xml in your ads folder.....you cant leave both in there as I stated before (see post on page 8)
Can you screenshot the preferences in English please
That shouldn’t make a difference I have 3 folders in my xml folder and it all works fine
Hi rabcp are you getting fuzzy video ads since si up date yesterday
Delete the two Folders and goes....
important is the fm file delete the 2 folders then go the promotional ties
Then is the wrong fm file try the other from club or no club
ok sorry @rabcp
You are you using the ‘clubs’ xml file yeah?
promotional link what is it ???
I tried the 2 club and no club
Just curious but...
Try the game in windowed mode just to see if it makes a difference....turn game off then back on before trying it though after changing to windowed mode.
ok but I chose "club" or "no club "??
I use club and dont forget to clear the cache too before trying
It should not make a difference but there is no need to have all in there, just the one you want to use as the game will always read in alphabetical order
I can see your point but the game doesn’t read the folders it only reads the ads.xml file
Thats not true
Set up 3 folders in alphabetical order and the game will read them and their contents in that order.
I have made background packs for years and to get one to have president over another this is how you would do it, I know these are not backgrounds but the same applies.
Anyway it does not matter keep up the good work I personally have no problems with the boards and never have it is more the users that have the problem rather than the product..lol
I know that’s the way for other graphics but adboards work differently and are more awkward than other graphics. FM will only load the adboards xml file from a specific location (football manager 18/ads/ads.xml) otherwise it automatically loads the standard ads.xml from an fmf file.
Haha I know if people actually read the instructions and the FAQ on page 1 this thread would only be about 5 pages long π
With me it worked only when I had deleted the folder club and no club and only the fm file in the ads folder was
It wasn’t working for you as your ads folder was in the wrong location
Can this be done for fm17? In terms of forcing the grounds like Stoke, Hibs to have video even under the 30000 limit?
Nope just FM18 Unfortunately and in classic FM style the code to hard code static ads at grounds 30,000+ doesn’t work π
I’m hoping to have the first 10 EPL clubs finished by next weekend and might release and update then along with the Czech ads, League one clubs and video ads for China
Look forward to it