Skin for Football Manager 18 (Sports Interactive)
Edited by El Comandante Qwas
website: www.sortitoutsi.net
How to add Nocturno in FM18?
Download and extract the .rar file. Place the "Nocturno 18.1.0" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Start FM18 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see Nocturno 18.1.0 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.
Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 1600x900 full screen mode. Some panels won’t work properly in lower resolutions. Hi-res: I guess this skin will work quite well but I`m not 100% sure.
Credits & special thanks:
In the preparation of this skin, I used xml & gfx files as well as ideas of various skinmakers. Therefore I would like to thank them and credit their work and creativity.
michaeltmurrayuk (http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk)
Pikawa (CFM Skin FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/848611778615177/?ref=bookmarks)
Emil Debski (Debski's Football Manager Dugout - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1213591631990225/)
Rick Ctid Thorne (Andromeda Skins FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/555641851243946/)
FM Gunzo (http://fmgunzo.tistory.com)
Ivan aka bossland
Flut skin makers
Also, I would like to thank wkdsoul and D_LO_ for their very helpful coding discussions on SI Games forum.
Please remember - save your game before first use of Nocturno skin!
Very important!
Before starting the game with Nocturno skin, clear your FM cache. Below is a link to the mod, which explains how to do it. I strongly recommend that you do it. Unfortunately, the latest updates of SI Games have been strongly mixed up, especially with text and fonts.
Enjoy it!
PS Any bugs or suggestion please write below or PM.
Skin for Football Manager 18 (Sports Interactive)
Edited by El Comandante Qwas
website: www.sortitoutsi.net
How to add Nocturno in FM18?
Download and extract the .rar file. Place the "Nocturno 18.1.0" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Start FM18 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see Nocturno 18.1.0 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.
Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 1600x900 full screen mode. Some panels won’t work properly in lower resolutions. Hi-res: I guess this skin will work quite well but I`m not 100% sure.
Credits & special thanks:
In the preparation of this skin, I used xml & gfx files as well as ideas of various skinmakers. Therefore I would like to thank them and credit their work and creativity.
michaeltmurrayuk (http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk)
Pikawa (CFM Skin FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/848611778615177/?ref=bookmarks)
Emil Debski (Debski's Football Manager Dugout - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1213591631990225/)
Rick Ctid Thorne (Andromeda Skins FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/555641851243946/)
FM Gunzo (http://fmgunzo.tistory.com)
Ivan aka bossland
Flut skin makers
Also, I would like to thank wkdsoul and D_LO_ for their very helpful coding discussions on SI Games forum.
Please remember - save your game before first use of Nocturno skin!
Very important!
Before starting the game with Nocturno skin, clear your FM cache. Below is a link to the mod, which explains how to do it. I strongly recommend that you do it. Unfortunately, the latest updates of SI Games have been strongly mixed up, especially with text and fonts.
Enjoy it!
PS Any bugs or suggestion please write below or PM.
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Joe Boy
on staff profile, i see staff photo on previous version is look more smoothly than this/last version, can you give the file only staff profile like on previous version?
other than that everything is perfect for me
I can't see the red marked section..
The section where hidden features are not working.
EDÄ°T: Now working. If you ae not buy Official In-Game Editör. This section is not work. I bought it now and it worked.
I have checked on several computers and everyone who has installed stadium pics and backgrounds has a view like on the screenshot below. Maybe it's a path issue of your gfx add ons.
One more thing, pls check out the panel with the club overview and post screen.
What is your graphic resolution? If lower than 1600x900 unfortunately some panels can be invisible. Try zoom 95% or 85%.
Tell me, you want bigger staff pic or remove club logo?
There is an error on the tactics page and the match day team selection page, when you drag a player into a position from the bench or wherever the pop up that gives payer comparison is coming up blank until you release the selected player then the pop up populates with the stats comparison. However it wont then disappear so you can no longer see the team tactics behind the pop up.
Overview 2 shows before I change the player, overview 3 after swapping the left back
An update on this - the pop up comparison works fine if you drag a player off the subs bench from the column on the right of the pitch layout. it pops up to compare players when you hover over the payer to be replaced and disappears once you release them. If you drag a player from the long list on the left who is not selected as a sub you don't get any pop up at all. If you drag one of the subs from the long list on the left you get the pop up but it doesn't disappear once you release.
The solution for this moment - open folder with Nocturno skin go to panels/tactics and delete file "tactics overview side panel.xml". Next save game and refresh skin.
Download added file. Unpack and upload to:
C:\Users\lenovo\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins\Nocturno 18.1.0\panels\non_player
And standard - save game and refresh skin.
Can you help me
Thank's and amazing work on this skin
I got it , i was using vitrex city pics
- On match day, the text on the ticker at the bottom of the screen isn't visible. Hovering over for tool tip does reveal what's being said, but it's like the ticker is red text on red background etc.
- Ordinary in-game text seems to miss letters out and sometimes insert hard returns, especially on capital Ws and often on accented letters like in the name Sadio Mane (acute accent).
- Context menus, especially for right-click on players or very much so in contract offer screens for salary drop-downs etc - they're screen wide but the text is incredibly minimal. Like, you can only see £1 of what should be £120k for example.
I've tried reloading the skin and clearing the cache and all that good stuff. Still glitching like this.Great work though; thanks!
Thanks for the skin man excellent work!
Which facepack did you use?
Also a request... any chance of removing the scrolling text on Player > Overview > Profile (beneath their picture) it's a little annoying waiting for info to scroll around,; perhaps that kinda info could be static?
Love the skin matey
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