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i have followed the instructions carefully as per the download as i have previously done with the FM16 & FM17 Adboard patches, i dont have any blank or black adboards but all the adboards are default ones in both club and no club format which makes me think the XML file is not working?
Which xml file are you using and during which clubs matches are you experiencing this issue?
Can you post screenshots of your file locations
There you go mate hope you can help me out
Just tried to load my game now and the players shirt numbers are missing in the match engine?
this path is wrong it should be my documents/sports interactive/football manager 18/ads
Install the patches in order to fix this issues, all links are in the first post of this thread
English Championship
Aston Villa,Birmingham City,Brentford,Cardiff City,Derby County,Leeds United,Middlesbrough,Nottingham Forest, Sheffield Wednesday, Sunderland & WolvesScottish Championship
Brechin City,Dumbarton,Dundee United,Dunfermline Athletic,Falkirk,Greenock Morton,Inverness Caledonian Thistle, Livingston, Queen of the South & St. Mirrentv_capper
I would also like to create adboards videos, but for the moment when I try to do that it does not work.I have trouble for example to create my timeline video on photoshop, I do as you explained but it does not work.
I had another question, there are in the end several updates of your video Adboards, do I have to put each xml file for each update or there is a file for all?
thank you in advance for your help
I don't understand too much ...
I have download and install the 3 update, but I must also put the 3 XML files ??
Or would I need only the XML file of the last update?
Thank's for your Help
You only need one.
Club XML or NO Club XML
Okay, so if I understand correctly, I should have added myself in the XML file, when I put a new video adboard or a static adboard?
Thank's for your Help
I just realized by reading the previous post, there were all the answers to my questions ...
I asked questions already asked before
sorry and thank you for this wonderful work! really good job
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Mykal Ó Buachalla
So I managed to make my own & swapped it for the liverpool boards to make sure I done it right... my ad showed up and scrolling just like it should
still cant get it to work in my own stadium though, I've selected video boards in the pre-game editor for my team and made the necessary edits in the xml but ads on the video boards are always black??? even when I try some already boards from your pack, they dont work in my stadium? Any help appreciated
Can you post the edits you made to the xml?
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Hahahaha... Yeah I shoulda kept it, Shouldnt I.
I'll do it again and post you it. Thanks
Mykal Ó Buachalla
had them done for the static boards I made but forgot to add interger values for the video boards
All is good now thanks rabcp.
Any chance I get a small tut on some different effects?
your first one for the scrolling video board was easy to follow, had it done in no time at all.
English Championship
Aston Villa,Birmingham City,Brentford,Cardiff City,Derby County,Leeds United,Middlesbrough,Nottingham Forest, Sheffield Wednesday, Sunderland & WolvesScottish Championship
Brechin City,Dumbarton,Dundee United,Dunfermline Athletic,Falkirk,Greenock Morton,Inverness Caledonian Thistle,Livingston, Queen of the South & St. MirrenI'll try and get some uploaded over the next few weeks, is there any particular effects you are looking for?
Mykal Ó Buachalla
I've no idea at all, I'll take anything ta be honest, what ever is easiest for yourself to write out... and appreciated thanks
I noticed something during my 3D games with Adboards Videos ... I have the impression that the Abdoards during my game are not of the same quality as the ones I can see on your different Pictures? ... can I do anything to have better qualities? I find for example that the Abdoards or there is the color white in it, like the Adboards Tempobet, and the white is almost grey...
Thank's in advance for your help
Mykal Ó Buachalla
That would be because of the LCD layer that gets applied I recon, think you'll fined it's the same fer all us and not just yerself
Okay, I thought maybe it was in my game ... thanks for the info
English Championship
Aston Villa,Birmingham City,Brentford,Cardiff City,Derby County,Leeds United,Middlesbrough,Nottingham Forest, Sheffield Wednesday, Sunderland & WolvesScottish Championship
Brechin City,Dumbarton,Dundee United,Dunfermline Athletic,Falkirk,Greenock Morton,Inverness Caledonian Thistle,Livingston,Queen of the South& St. MirrenThis may be down to your graphics settings and your computers graphic capabilities
I'll try and pull something together over the next few weeks
Thanks for that stadium static adboards now working fine but video boards are black in both club and no club mode where as before default video boards worked perfectly. Is there a file that needs deleting or renaming to make these video ads work?
Your path for the video ads look different to the path needed (pic on FAQ on page 1) have a look at this again, do you have multiple hard drives?
WIP: Lincoln City, Cheltenham, Grimsby, Stevenage, Port Vale, Morecambe, Yeovil, Forest Green
Coventry, Luton Town, Notts County, Accrington Stanley, Wycombe Wanderers, Mansfield, Exeter City, Colchester Utd, Swindon, Newport County, Cambridge Utd, Carlisletv_capper
WIP: Lincoln City, Cheltenham, Stevenage, Port Vale, Morecambe, Yeovil, Forest Green
Grimsby Town, Coventry, Luton Town, Notts County, Accrington Stanley, Wycombe Wanderers, Mansfield, Exeter City, Colchester Utd, Swindon, Newport County, Cambridge Utd, Carlisle