Benny Lee
7 years ago
7 years ago
Totally new to FM Touch.

Please show me how to do it step by step or is there any website advising how to do so???

Thanks in advance!!!
9 years ago
5 years ago
text-source(I wrote in Korean),
I found a solution.
I am not fluent in English. so I wrote it below from Korean to English with Google translation.
So I hope you understand that even if it sounds awkward.
If you are a Korean speaker, please guide it better.

--- FMT2018 (for iOS) Graphics Applicable Patch v0.3~0.5 ---
--- FMT2019 (for iOS) Graphics Applicable Patch v0.1 ---

Connect iPad Open FMT 2018 folder with iTunes file sharing function.
Copy the "graphics" folder from the other archive (overwrite).
Copy the revision FMT18 (OLD "skins" folder attached to this post (overwrite it).
OLD_SKIN_for_FMT18 v0.4 (from v18.2)(
NOW YOU'd BETTER to DOWNLOAD UPDATED_SKIN_for_FMT18 v0.5 (from v18.3)(
NOW YOU can DOWNLOAD UPDATED SKIN for FMT19 v0.1 (from v19.0)(

Run FMT 2018 and apply one of the five duplicate names, different authors:reloadGraphicsX in Preferences> Skins.
Turn off and start FMT 2018 again. It can be seen that it is applied after a long loading time.

When changing the graphics folder :
It is reloaded with the skin that was not used.
In other words, You must reapply the unused SKIN_AUTHORxSKIN_TYPE before reloading.
(There are a total of twelve opportunities for graphics change.)

If you have spent all of your skin folders, or something makes you dizzy :
Just, Remove app - Turn iPad off and on - Reapply after app install.

Forces the reload to the settings of the graphics folder and the pictures folder in the skin file.
When applying a skin file for the first time, it uses the fact that it reloads to the cache.

"graphics" folder looks like this:
or this (can be faster.)
Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
Just to say I have been hunting around for this for so long.

Thanks very much for posting this solution. It makes the game complete now!
8 years ago
6 years ago
Do you know how to do this for android?
10 years ago
5 hours ago
I tried to follow this and got nowhere.

I don't believe it is possible to put player pictures, alter logos and badges in the FM Touch 18 (ios) version of the game.

I play on the iPad Pro and have found no way to add the items above, although this is doable on the Windows Touch version of the game.
Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
I have got an iPad Pro and it works!!!!!

To expand a little on the guide above

For this to work you have got to have at least loaded FMT once before you see the folders that the game contains in iTunes.

I followed the link to the korean website above and downloaded the following graphics pack. (Google Translate)

Graphics Pack

Download the Skins pack Skins Pack

extract them both so you can see the folder skins and graphics

  1. Connect your iPad to your computer and open iTunes.
  2. Click on the iPad icon in iTunes to show your the details about your device
  3. Then in the list on the left click on file sharing - Same as you would the mobile version
  4. Then in file explorer drag and drop the graphics folder over into file sharing on iTunes. iTunes will show a progress bar if its copy and may come up with this folder already exists do you want to replace.
  5. Do the same with the skins folder.
  6. Once everything has copied over unplug your iPad and open FMT18 on your iPad
  7. Go to preferences under the overview tab there is the interface section. In the drop down for the skins you should see a lot more choices.
  8. Select any one until you see the Author is reloadGraphics - You can choose your theme to whatever dark, retro or normal
  9. Click save and then close FMT18
  10. Once you reload it can take ages, just leave it. It's just reloading the cache of graphics.
  11. You should have at least the correct badges, faces, kits, etc...
High Capacity Pack
Once I did that I found followed the guide to have high capacity pack that Different link (Again Google Translate) where I made an even bigger pack that showed the correct stadium pics, loads of faces, correct badges, trophies for everything but that is above 4.9Gb. Before you copy the folder I would delete FMT18 from your iPad and reinstall so its "fresh" maybe back up your game saves if you want to before hand. The only recommendation is don't download the 3d kits as it makes them look a little weird but it's no biggie if you do.

All you have to do is download the packs in individually and then create a folder structure below and then drop the contents of each you have download into the correct folder as stated above.


Once you have complied make sure you just drag and drop the graphics folder over. Not each individual folder. Don't forget to copy the skins folder again so you can change it again preferences to force the reload.

I have no credit in this just expanding on the guide to help others. The korean website is full of it I just can't speak korean but google can.
Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
See the attached image showing what it's like on the iPad Pro. See the Etihad stadium in the background behind the team shirt, all the logos in the fixtures and results and little 'ol Pep and Ko looking at you.

I have been playing for a month with the high capacity and had no issues.

Any issues and I will try and help out the best I can. As I said I can only help with installing of the graphics not where they come from.
10 years ago
5 hours ago
Many thanks, I’ll give it a go in the next day or two and keep you posted.


10 years ago
5 hours ago
See the attached image showing what it's like on the iPad Pro. See the Etihad stadium in the background behind the team shirt, all the logos in the fixtures and results and little 'ol Pep and Ko looking at you.

I have been playing for a month with the high capacity and had no issues.

Any issues and I will try and help out the best I can. As I said I can only help with installing of the graphics not where they come from.


Just downloading it all now (the smaller version initially). Does it have a lot of the Premier and English team stuff in that one? Also, can you add ones that I have created? I like playing as Aldershot and like to see the player faces in-game.


Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
Yeah I think it covers quite a bit and easier on the loading times as they are compressed to the .fmf types in each folder.

If you want to add your own in I think you have to go for the higher ones where they are indvidual faces like the Windows touch version. From what I can gather as long as the faces match the codes to the PC version you should be fine.

Apparently you can add all the logos, faces etc to the pc version of touch and then spit them out as .fmf to make it faster. I haven’t got the pc version to do it and it sounds like another step. But I don’t have any issues without the compression with the iPad Pro.
10 years ago
5 hours ago
So the reloadGraphics drop down option was there after the graphics and skin was changed in iTunes but no changes after save, quit then re-start. What am I doing wrong? I have tried various reloadGraphics versions retro / dark etc all with the same non results unfortunately.

Any advice Paul?

Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
It sounds like you have done everything right.
  • Did it take it's time to reload when you saved, close and restarted? It should kind of crash on the Sports Interactive logo.
  • Maybe when you select the skin, save, close in running apps, then restart your iPad. Completely switch it off and back on again.
  • Did you load your last save game or did you start a new one? As soon as you go to new career you should see the logos of the premier league
  • Don't think it will make much difference but what iPad do you have?
Let me know how it goes
10 years ago
5 hours ago

Do you know what (if any) changes this makes? Is it just an increase in player pics?#


Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
It adds the Skip replay button back in when a team scores a goal. I am trying it out this afternoon so if anything else changes I will let you know.
10 years ago
5 hours ago
It adds the Skip replay button back in when a team scores a goal. I am trying it out this afternoon so if anything else changes I will let you know.

Great, please do let me know how it goes. Skip replay? Is that where the goal scorers photo is displayed, or just as it says ... skipping the replay of goal action or similar.

Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
It's on the 3D match engine. As soon as someone scores it shows the replay after and there is a small replay button to skip watching the goal again.

I only use it when someone scores against me!
10 years ago
5 hours ago
It's on the 3D match engine. As soon as someone scores it shows the replay after and there is a small replay button to skip watching the goal again.

I only use it when someone scores against me!

Ha Ha you and me alike, unless it was a defensive glaring error and I want to see which player allowed his oppo to head unchallenged?!

I have sent you a PM by the way, just around the load up issues.

jamie marris
10 years ago
8 months ago
I dont suppose there is a video anywhere showing how its done?didnt buy this years game as i didnt think graphics could be added
jamie marris
10 years ago
8 months ago
Just sounds abit complicated for me lol
9 years ago
5 years ago
I've got updated 0.5 skins (from v18.3). TOP of this page
10 years ago
5 hours ago
Got all this working for my FM18 Touch (iPad version). That’s badges, faces etc ... does anyone know if the squad transfer update patch would work as well? I doubt it would ....

Thanks in advance.

6 years ago
2 years ago
Does anyone know if FMT 18 Skins like Titanium will work with the Android/iOS version? I can't get it to show up in my drop down menu.
Ashley Penfold-Smith
10 years ago
3 years ago
I have got an iPad Pro and it works!!!!!

To expand a little on the guide above

For this to work you have got to have at least loaded FMT once before you see the folders that the game contains in iTunes.

I followed the link to the korean website above and downloaded the following graphics pack. (Google Translate)

Graphics Pack

Download the Skins pack Skins Pack

extract them both so you can see the folder skins and graphics

  1. Connect your iPad to your computer and open iTunes.
  2. Click on the iPad icon in iTunes to show your the details about your device
  3. Then in the list on the left click on file sharing - Same as you would the mobile version
  4. Then in file explorer drag and drop the graphics folder over into file sharing on iTunes. iTunes will show a progress bar if its copy and may come up with this folder already exists do you want to replace.
  5. Do the same with the skins folder.
  6. Once everything has copied over unplug your iPad and open FMT18 on your iPad
  7. Go to preferences under the overview tab there is the interface section. In the drop down for the skins you should see a lot more choices.
  8. Select any one until you see the Author is reloadGraphics - You can choose your theme to whatever dark, retro or normal
  9. Click save and then close FMT18
  10. Once you reload it can take ages, just leave it. It's just reloading the cache of graphics.
  11. You should have at least the correct badges, faces, kits, etc...
High Capacity Pack
Once I did that I found followed the guide to have high capacity pack that Different link (Again Google Translate) where I made an even bigger pack that showed the correct stadium pics, loads of faces, correct badges, trophies for everything but that is above 4.9Gb. Before you copy the folder I would delete FMT18 from your iPad and reinstall so its "fresh" maybe back up your game saves if you want to before hand. The only recommendation is don't download the 3d kits as it makes them look a little weird but it's no biggie if you do.

All you have to do is download the packs in individually and then create a folder structure below and then drop the contents of each you have download into the correct folder as stated above.


Once you have complied make sure you just drag and drop the graphics folder over. Not each individual folder. Don't forget to copy the skins folder again so you can change it again preferences to force the reload.

I have no credit in this just expanding on the guide to help others. The korean website is full of it I just can't speak korean but google can.

I have just done this - taken me the best part of 1/2 a day - and not all the kits are there! I'm a Saints fan and that was one of them missing. Also. I noticed that the other kits are last years and not this years! Yet the example you showed of City was this years!

Any ideas?
Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
Well what is the best way of uploading my pack?

The total folder sits just about 6.0Gb, will rar it or zip it up then maybe torrent?

But that includes everything and its all working and up to date kits, badges etc...

The stadiums are the Google Earth view of them which makes it look pretty sweet in the background
10 years ago
6 years ago
Can this be done on Nintendo Switch?
18 years ago
2 weeks ago
Has anyone got a pack with updated kits?

I've tried to update myself (using the pack linked above as a base) but the kits all disappear.
jamie marris
10 years ago
8 months ago
How are you putting the kits in?are you creating sub folders?so like in the graphics folder you would have another folder named kits?
jamie marris
10 years ago
8 months ago
Can this be done on Nintendo Switch?

Nope unfortunatley
Lance Chicote
7 years ago
1 week ago
Does anyone know how to make this work for FM18 Touch for Android Tablets? i have a Samsung Galaxy Tab S3.

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