7 years ago
4 years ago
Credit to reddit user u/reids1 for the idea!

https://image.ibb.co/h8tRiy/6600032.png https://image.ibb.co/mw5mGJ/15055151.png

So I saw this idea on reddit and I thought i'd give it ago, this is where I want to make a Red Bull like empire... If you want to know more about the idea behind this give this a read https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/8ek42n/the_cocacola_save_fm17/?st=jgnu8obm&sh=7ede3b6a

So the team I chose was KSV Roeselare in the Belgian Second Division, the first thing I did was renaming the club to McDonalds Roeselare or MD Roeselare for short then I changed the name of there stadium to The McDonalds Arena and since I was doing this as a sort of takeover I removed all of there debts, changed there balance to 1.5 mill, changed the transfer budget to 250K and the wage budget to 10K

The last things I done was change their home kit to a Yellow and Blue kit (the colours of McDonalds) and make FFA Centre Of Excellence our affiliate and renamed them to MD Excellence Academy

I'm looking to make a insane scouting network once I buy other clubs (add managers to the clubs and use there facilities and scouts, dw I will also make them my own club and loan players to them just not play the games) Iv'e loaded the Croatian, Danish, French, Dutch, Icelandic, Mexican, Portuguese, Swedish and Swiss leagues so I'll see what teams I will buy when it comes to it
7 years ago
4 years ago

I needed to refresh the entire staff as it was one of the main aspects of the save... and its safe to say that we have done quite well and we have the best staff in the league by far.


18 years ago
3 days ago
Interesting concept Will keep eye on this progress
7 years ago
4 years ago


Quite a good pre-season with a 2-1 win over Bundesliga side Stuttgart, the only game we lost wasn't too bad as we lost to Huddersfield (which I won the game first but my game crashed)
8 years ago
7 months ago
If this is even half as good as the coca cola one, it'll be amazing.
Wish you best of luck
12 years ago
1 week ago
Good Luck with this
11 years ago
10 hours ago
Interesting idea mate I'll be following.

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