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Wolves 18/19 home (away kit from few posts before is updated with new sponsor) Download
hey bolid awesome work the socks are ment to be amber with black trim though
Can anyone make the England kits for the world cup please? I've attached the font below.
IF you bother searching through the pages you will see they have been done with many others. Download Download
I have looked and have only seen other countries, hence why I asked. If you've seen them would be nice if you could comment a page reference.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/3d1f79774vq7z62/National_Teams.rar/file My Pack.
The problem is that almost all of the kits in this pack are for FM17 and only a few are FM18 compatible.
Yes. Only the 1024*1024 are working for the fm18 and the 512*512 for the fm17 and lower.
That's correct unfortunately not all kits have been done in 1024x1024 .All i did is put the ones made on this thread into the 512x512 folder.
bolid74 can you make real madrid 18/19 kits ? Download
hey Bolid could you make la liga teams and Celtics and such please? thanks
Now I'm not saying I'm attracted to a football kit... but... Terrific work on that one bolid!
hi guys, is the new Inter Milan away kit available anywhere?
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hey bolid awesome work the socks are ment to be amber with black trim though
Fixed on page before
I've attached the font below.
IF you bother searching through the pages you will see they have been done with many others.
I have looked and have only seen other countries, hence why I asked. If you've seen them would be nice if you could comment a page reference.
My Pack.
Yes. Only the 1024*1024 are working for the fm18 and the 512*512 for the fm17 and lower.
That's correct unfortunately not all kits have been done in 1024x1024 .All i did is put the ones made on this thread into the 512x512 folder.
I know people have stopped doing them but would really appreciate any help. Thanks
No. But don't worry, I'm sure club like Real will get it's kits done pretty soon
thank you
I'm not doing Spain at all, Scotland maybe after FM19 is out
Terrific work on that one bolid!
Aye, you noticed. By far, the most time needed for this one so far in 18/19