FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 13 Mar 2025
- 108,726 Changes
- 610 Contributors
- FM24.3
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Arturo Vidal Born is 1987 not true that it is his birth 1986
That is something that needs to be posted on the official SI website to tell their official data team.
LOL, and now this can be enabled? Higuain and Caldara hadn't had there medical so you guys keep disable our submits...
although, better for the realism that this transfer is enabled to
Sorry @Jotew for some odd reason my responses to yourself were deleted

I enabled the deal (shortly after this post) after receiving some lovely messages behind doors. Fear not the deal is enabled, sorry for any hassle / upset caused.
The other deals will be enabled in time, again sorry.
Comment #439921 has been disabled and is hidden.
Comment #439920 has been disabled and is hidden.
although, better for the realism that this transfer is enabled to

Comment #439918 has been disabled and is hidden.
Comment #439916 has been disabled and is hidden.
Comment #439908 has been disabled and is hidden.

See below for response ... no medical completed, therefore it hasn't gone through. Clubs have basically acknowledged a deal is in place.
Just to quote from your Barca source ... "The agreement is for the next three seasons and is pending the medical examination that the player will undertake over the course of the next few days."
Just relax and the deal will go through when it is ready.
Unbelieveable really.
So why are you guys enable a lot of tranfsers from ruomors or not official (like u said, with shirt and medical XD)?
Why do people like yourself not be more patient? Just relax.

It's official wtf
Also on transfermarkt
Answer is below. No debate on this sorry.
Both clubs confirmed it and posted it on their sites.
Transfermarkt also confirmed it:
There is no reason to deny it on the update. We had other transferences added after the confirmation, too. There are more than enough sources confirming the transfer.
See below for response ... no medical completed, therefore it hasn't gone through. Clubs have basically acknowledged a deal is in place.
Just to quote from your Barca source ... "The agreement is for the next three seasons and is pending the medical examination that the player will undertake over the course of the next few days."
Just relax and the deal will go through when it is ready.
Transfermarkt also confirmed it:
There is no reason to deny it on the update. We had other transferences added after the confirmation, too. There are more than enough sources confirming the transfer.
He's yet to go through the medical or be presented as a player ... still a bit to go. Both have confirmed a deal is in place. But he hasn't moved yet.
Okay. We just wait a few days, but the deal is done. The medical tests is the only thing he is missing

Why disable? It is official. Bayern Munich and Barcelona has written about the transfer?
He's yet to go through the medical or be presented as a player ... still a bit to go. Both have confirmed a deal is in place. But he hasn't moved yet.

Since 04 Aug 2018 11:11:13 ... it has been enabled ...