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Same question.
Does anyone know anything about importing graphics to an Android tablet?
Thanks for any help.
Some graphics work for me, faces and small logos do not.
Please Help.
It works how he described it. Download the files. Extract them. Copy them to your andorid device. Make sure in the right folder.
Start FMT 2018, select a skin which is not the one of the standard. Save and close the game. Start the game - start procedure can take a while because of the new files.
But in the end, you will see logos, faces, etc...
Is it possible to get the club logos on FMT on iPad without a computer?
There is no way to handle it without a PC / Mac. Outside the FMT app, Apple's iOS sandbox technology prevents access to the app's internal space directly. In the FMT app, there’s no menu to move the files/folders to the required location.
jamie marris
I would also like to know if this is the case. Hate that English Premier League don’t have the right badges, kits and player pics.
I wonder if the files from FMTouch 18 (iOS) would work?
jamie marris
i think the files will work it will just need someone to make a set of skins again.
Yes, the other thing is some of the files would need changing, as some teams’ kits woul have changed since last year.
I almost wish there was an English leagues file, to keep the size down. That way you could just upload them with player pictures etc ...
I've made an edit for FMT 19 just now. But I'm not sure for working allright. (fmt19ios_patch4graphics_v0.1.zip)
I've not fully tested it. (I have no time today and more days.)
so if some error occurs, please try to make it right yourself. or I can take it later.
Thanks, I won't get a chance to have a proper go on FMT 19 (ios) until Monday / Tuesday, so would appreciate if anyone gets a chance to load and then test this patch prior to then.
I am really looking to add all (or most) of the English players pictures that are not already in the game. Add all the correct football league and competition logos. All the English league 3D and 2D kits, to enhance the enjoyment of the game.
Would we need to download a new skin patch, or does this patch come with one in the zip?
Thank you dear bearcat it work for my ipad
Bielsa is a legend
Hi mate, where did you put the file? Downloaded but can’t get graphics to show
jamie marris
What have you downloaded so far?
Bielsa is a legend
The folder. Can see the skins in preferences but no graphic changes
The post needs some instructions or the great work will not be realised
jamie marris
Bielsa is a legend
Are the graphics a seperate file?
I assumed the link was a full pack
do you have a link for the graphics please
jamie marris
jamie marris
jamie marris
jamie marris
jamie marris
Bielsa is a legend
jamie marris
What kitpack did you use bud?
jamie marris
No probs
if I only want the logos and trophies for FMT 2019 on iPad, i have to download the following:
whats the next (dummy) steps once i have those downloaded and plugged my ipad?
enoo volvic
I've tried doing this but the graphics won't show.
I was wondering why you have sent links FMM19 logos, kits etc. Is it not different for FMT19 on IOS?
can you please explain which files to download and how to do it in a step by step guide on Itunes. I am also struggling and would appreciate your help.
Bielsa is a legend
I struggled also, but Jamie advised
1.link ipad to laptop, open iTunes, click on ipad icon, click file sharing and open FM19
2. create "skins" folder on laptop
3. download the skins files to the folder
4. create "graphics" folder on laptop
5. download the various files into the graphics folder
6 drag both the "skins" and "graphics" folders across to the FM 19 on ipad
7. uplug connection
8 load FM19 on ipad, change to new skin (you should now see 10 skins, 5 dark, 5 retro
9.click a new skin. you will then need to exit fm19
10 turn off ipad and then back on again12 all graphics should now be showing
11 open FM19, it should take a while to load (approx. 4 mins on my Ipad pro 12"
13 if you add new files to the "graphics" folder repeat the process from 6 but delete existing graphics folder and drag update
hope this helps, it worked for me