SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 20##/graphics/kits/put in here!
( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )
2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.
THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.
Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread or PM hammer9.
Or if kits not showing or not add third kit..please go to this thread -
Any problem - please go to this thread - SSKCC Thread or PM hammer9.
( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )
2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.
THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.
Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread or PM hammer9.
Or if kits not showing or not add third kit..please go to this thread -
Any problem - please go to this thread - SSKCC Thread or PM hammer9.
You'll need to Login to comment
For now.
Joe Holmes22
Love your kit designs and really do appreciate your time and effort however, some kits ain't showing up.
Any fix for this?
Most likely becuase at such low levels SI didn't assign proper shirts in kit section. My future updates will contain editor file with that stuff corrected.
New in this pack:
- 3 new leagues added (4 in total)
- editor file which solves the problem of half kits not showing up (career restart required)
(updated - Added made from frankthetank87 & Added 3 new leagues see above)
Coming up next: Midlands league
I also added kits for Hashtag United, which seems to be popular above average for a level 10 club. I included config file for it, but you'll have to enter manually their ID. They're not included in original game, so their ID will vary depending on which database you use.
(updated - Added Midland League, see above)
You could greatly speed up the process if you send me pictures and/or links to galleries for that league ;-)
I've been looking around, but I can't find anything sadly. How did you get the other kits for the other leagues? The best I could find is some digital renders.
For each team I browse their Twitter, Facebook and website. Some of them have photographers who keep flickr accounts with galleries for many games.
It's a time consuming process that often lasts more than actual kitmaking so for lower leagues I usually have partners who do that.
This pack is now updated with United Counties league (level 9).
I'm working on Western league right now so I can put your league on the list next.
Great to hear! Looking forward to it. Thanks.
(updated - Added United Counties League)
(updated - Added Western League see above)
Michele frisoli
I researched that league but the situation with pictures is terrible. I was unable to find information about dozen or so away kits, Edgware included. I'm very close to give up on this league.
I can make Edgware only, if you can find pictures of away kit.
I'm not making any more leagues at that level without a partner who can research teams and provide pictures and/or links to galleries. The amount of time wasted on browsing websites and twitters is ridiculous. Actual kit making takes less time than research. I actually had to give up on two leagues because I was unable to find pictures of to many away kits. So it's an open invitation to everyone, collect pictures for any level 9/10 league and I'll make it in a week.
Michele frisoli
Michele frisoli
Are you sure about home kit? On recent galleries they use Avec kit
Michele frisoli
Here you go then. You'll have to add an away shirt in editor to see away kit.
Edgware H / A