Potential ability of every player in the world is set to "0".
It means his PA will be random (0-200).
Enjoy random stars every new save!
14 years ago
1 year ago
Does that mean it changes the potential every new game or every time I load a savefile?
7 years ago
4 months ago
Does that mean it changes the potential every new game or every time I load a savefile?
every new game, mate.
12 years ago
8 months ago
Hey there was an addon in fm18 that the players have random pa’s but not completely random. So for example if one have 180 fixed pa can have between 170-200 pa. I don’t want totally random but this one. I don’t know that you also can make a mod like this. That would be awesome actually. And if you can’t, please give me some tips how can I implement this to the game easily. Should I edit all players’ potential one by one? How did you mass edit all of them to 0?
7 years ago
4 months ago
Hey there was an addon in fm18 that the players have random pa’s but not completely random. So for example if one have 180 fixed pa can have between 170-200 pa. I don’t want totally random but this one. I don’t know that you also can make a mod like this. That would be awesome actually. And if you can’t, please give me some tips how can I implement this to the game easily. Should I edit all players’ potential one by one? How did you mass edit all of them to 0?

i have just mass-edited all players in the game ( i think, edited 5000 players for one step). But cuurent ability is still the same. So player with 180 CA will be 180-200 PA.
And if you want to edit it more detailed, you can give players negative PA, but you can't get players like 100 CA and 100-200 PA. Negative PA range is not so various like ''0''.

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