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This post has been locked, preventing new comments.
Instructions on how to use will follow in thread
The current pack includes:
Premier League
League One
League Two
National League
La Liga
Serie A
2. Bundesliga
3. Liga
Ligue 1
Primeira Liga
Then you need to open the editor
go to rules
add nation rules
select the country required eg England select add lower divisions and then click finish
Now click on the division you want to add the fixtures to(NB if you want to do several leagues they need to be done now at this stage before converting to advanced rules BUT do one league at a time).
select general tab and tick use specific fixtures
you will see the fixtures tab under the league now
select it and click on import
find desktop and select the notepad file you earlier created
it will import that text file and convert it to this
now here is a very crucial point you need to swap the promoted /relegated teams for the 19/20 season in that league otherwise it wont verify
once verified by selecting test rules save it for xml file you need to use the export tab
stop there
create the notepad files you want and save to desktop
so in the example above go through each league as per the above and NB dont forget those promotion/relegation changes to get the correct teams in each league
A tip verify/test rules after each set of fixtures is added to a league
you can now convert to advanced rules to address any issues that may occur with fixture clashes etc eg with domestic cup games
select advanced rules
now you get a much more detailed panel with all the guts of various competitions you can edit
for the example here we are looking to resolve a known issue eg the FA cup Final is set for the 19/5/19 clashing with round 38 of the EPL
to fix this
select premier league
fixture scheduling rules
click fixture dates
you will see that round 38 has been set for 13 may 2001 this needs to be changed to 20 may 2001
(this will allow that final round to be played on the 19/5/19 as set up in our fixtures
when done correctly this is it in game
save the file there can be done by using export remember
I have moved the final a week earlier (as moving it forward could result in teams who may have qualified for a European final only having a few days between games)
you need to select the FA Cup in drop down menu (select 2018 one there may be one for 2019 ignore that)
find fixture scheduling rules
Fixture dates
find the final and change it to this date 12/5/2001
When done correctly in game this will be the result
This will now resolve the issue with the Cup final clash and if any EPL teams have made the final they will play their round 37 league game on the Wednesday before/or after the cup final
save the file using save as to create a FMF file or export for XML file
you are now ready to test/verify the file
so use save as and name the file (it will be saved as FMF)
now if you want you can use export here again to save the file as a XML (NB you will now have 2 files in your edited data folder You can only use one on game set up)
So the work is now done I hope you have found this guide helpful
Now for one last thing test the file in game DO NOT trust the verify process it has been bugged for several years and with things like this a file works well in first season then issues such as no games being generated happen in the next season
use a custom start up date so you are into May 2018 if you wish and then holiday until July then see if leagues are starting as normal
I have done the comprehensive step by step guide and shown how to resolve issues @Dmitri-K has provided the fixtures for you so the hard work has been done.
Now have a go at doing this yourself for the fixtures you want to use it is easy just do it step by step take your time and it will be rewarding
NB Initially check for any clashes look at the dates of domestic cups in your chosen Nation run a test in game use a custom start date and see if ALL the fixtures are played correctly - league and cup if they are there is no need to do any work in advanced rules.
I cant stress enough the need to carry out in game testing its the only way to be 100% sure there are no issues and will save you grief in the long run. So check for fixture clashes and second season starting correctly is a must, same as all editing prep is everything.
To that end use this file as a custom start date if you want to test
Your text to link here...
If you want a later start date open file in editor and change the season start date (you cant go later than end of May 2019)
or here Your text to link here... if you want more details on further editing files there is comprehensive information on what can be done if you want to do more to your file/s
corrected your post as sure it was an oversight
no idea what you are on about
I have removed some of your posts stop spamming the thread with the same thing and nonsense and learn some manners people are donig things here in their own time it doesnt cost anything for a please/thank you etc
the site has lost the input of @SirTAVARES partly due to this with users taking advantage of his goodwill wanting more and more without displaying any gratitude for the massive amount of time he was sacrificing to help everyone here so post accordingly in future
Can it be done with promotion/relegation file (available on sortitoutsi)?
yes I have tested that mate works fine
that file is a little buggy at the moment and if you read the last couple of posts I am sure it is getting addressed
Ok, great. I will try to generate fixtures for all that leagues which are there in promotion/relegation file, in next days.
However, calendars for some leagues are not available completely on transfermarkt, so I won't do them probably (I didn't make fixtures for Vanarama National League South/North because of this).
yes that can be an issue so dont do files you are unsure about
and keep posting them in text format as above that is great
if you cant add to the OP/or the second post just PM me as it might be down to me creating the thread , pass on the file/s and I will add
want to put all the files in first couple of posts not spread through the thread
so the easy solution for everyone is just change that first fixture date to the 28/7/18
Also noted that you have added the real results the idea was just for the fixtures only ?
users can then add the real results if they wish to the file, just in case they want to start a save for a team in that league
dont worry users when setting up a file can remove the scores if they wish
No issue for me at all
Are u going to post the Epl?
thx for quick responds kingrobbo
EPL is there its the example I have shown in the guide
it will be down to an opening/end fixture outside the season date range NB we are shoe- horning 19/20 fixtures into the 18/19 season so some tweaks may be required
so either change that one game(IMO the best option)or change the dates of the season start /end and have a play around until it works cold be moving dates a day will suffice or a week just save the file before you test/verify so no changes are lost
If you get other issues and there are bugs with some nations (portugal/spain etc)since the 19.3 update follow the link earlier in thread to gain support from SI as the issue is with the editor not the file/s here
as a tip I have found if you encounter some of these bugs reload the DB and select the original DB not 19.3 IMPORT/LOAD YOUR SAVED FILE AND SAVE AGAIN IN THIS DB then verify/test most bugs are gone
I would still recommend moving that Luton game on the 3/8/18 to 4/8/18
...thats 18
I updated the first post, added Liga NOS and Eredivisie fixtures files.
About start/end dates: does the end date also include promotion/relegation play-offs?
And great re further updates I will add a screenshot re play offs later the dates will be in with fixture dates called something like semi and final
Here you go
This is for the Sky Bet Championship
as I said earlier it would be called semi/final
you will see its first and second leg too for semi
so just open in notepad + and replace 2430 with 1230
all other leagues are showing correctly in game but Serie A doesnt use the real results for some reason