Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes
7 years ago
2 years ago
What happened with FM17 and FM18 data updates? They've been erased?
15 years ago
25 minutes ago
you can use the FM19 instead load the current update in the version of game you want to use editor

open file and save it

it should then load in game as normal

there are some changes ongoing on site and I am not sure if the older versions will be put back up here or the live update will be for the current version only
18 years ago
1 year ago
Bonjour à tous,

Plusieurs fois j'ai laissé des demandes sur les forums sans jamais de réponses, dommage!

Votre site est génial, votre travail est immense.

Je n'ai qu'un seul gros regret, c'est le mépris pour les anciennes versions de football manager, dont la version 2017 qui est incroyablement fantastique, et pour laquelle vous arrêtez les mises à jours, et j'en suis triste!

Pour ceux qui veulent récupérer la dernière version en date encore active, voici le lien en cache que j'ai trouvé avec la toute dernière mise à jour datant du 4/8/2019:

Peut-être existera-t-il à nouveau de telles mises à jour pour fm 2017, ce serait formidable.

Bonne journée et encore merci
6 years ago
6 hours ago
Θα παιζει η data του 2019 και παλαιότερα μανατζερ?
7 years ago
6 months ago
Will the fm 2018 transfer patch be done again?
15 years ago
25 minutes ago
Θα παιζει η data του 2019 και παλαιότερα μανατζερ?

please post in English
15 years ago
25 minutes ago
The staff member dealing will update shortly

for now the download is for the current version and read my initial reply for a resolution
14 years ago
1 week ago
please mainting 2017 and 2018 even as a final version, and update only 19 and future.
but dont remove others, as there are plenty of people (that i know as brasilian) that have old pcs or cant buy 19 coz become expensive ffor us as SIA are not selling ofically there.
would be a very disapointing attitude for such a great site.
we from fmanager brasil allways recommended ya as reference to merge with our structural updates.
18 years ago
1 year ago
Désolé, mais le lien en cache que j'avais mis un peu plus haut avec les dernières maj fm 2017 a été enlevé... :-(
7 years ago
5 months ago
Hi, one question, what happened toFM18 data updates? Have you been deleted or will you be back soon?
Syd Butoeskor Barrett
10 years ago
1 week ago
He answered , just look at first post, probably they will upload files shortly if i am not mistaken. I think it is good to mantain the 17. 18 versions as it adds to the options available , match engiines differ between versions , i personally like 17 a lot, but 19 training and tactiics are better so i tend to play both versions with both updated rosters and transfers,,, maybe other people think the same way as i do..
Cheers and number 1 page of FM
11 years ago
4 years ago
you can use the FM19 instead load the current update in the version of game you want to use editor

open file and save it

it should then load in game as normal

there are some changes ongoing on site and I am not sure if the older versions will be put back up here or the live update will be for the current version only

Thank you for your advice. I follow this solution in my FM 2018 but I stuck at choose league step in start new career mode because major league missing (cannot select for go next step), please advice for resolve this issue.
Thank a lot.
6 years ago
5 years ago
Thank you for your advice. I follow this solution in my FM 2018 but I stuck at choose league step in start new career mode because major league missing (cannot select for go next step), please advice for resolve this issue.
Thank a lot.
i also have this kind of problem in fm 17
Chris Adriaans
5 years ago
4 years ago
Where are the FM18 updates?
7 years ago
3 months ago
does anyone know when will the fm 18 update be ready?
15 years ago
25 minutes ago
for those with issues read this and post accordingly -

and the only file I would be using from FM19 live update in earlier versions is this file SI make changes to clubs etc with each version thus 99% cant be used in older versions. It is lucky this file can

11 years ago
4 years ago
for those with issues read this and post accordingly -

and the only file I would be using from FM19 live update in earlier versions is this file SI make changes to clubs etc with each version thus 99% cant be used in older versions. It is lucky this file can

Would you please post link download FM 2018 data update lastest that before it was removed from web page download. Are you plan re-upload FM 2018 data update lastest link in coming soon?
Thank you for hard work and kind support data update, keep it up.
15 years ago
25 minutes ago
Would you please post link download FM 2018 data update lastest that before it was removed from web page download. Are you plan re-upload FM 2018 data update lastest link in coming soon?
Thank you for hard work and kind support data update, keep it up.

as said in my initial post I did not remove these files the staff member dealing with this will have to confirm what is happening and will do so in due course
15 years ago
25 minutes ago
also please no more PMs re this

I have given a workaround for you I do not have any files to pass on and just to reiterate I am not the staff member who removed the files
7 years ago
4 years ago
is this just gonna get ignored?
6 years ago
5 years ago
Will there be updates for fm 17 or will it be for the fm 19 alone?
Davy Depuydt
11 years ago
1 month ago
Does anyone still has the latest fm17 update?

(The workaround doesn't work for me because the editor doesn't open properly on my Windows surface, looks like a resolution issue, I can't click on anything)
Chris Adriaans
5 years ago
4 years ago
Can anyone share the latest fm18 update that was available?
le chi dung
7 years ago
20 hours ago
who have the lastest data update of FM18, up here, plz.
sorry, my English is not good.
9 years ago
3 weeks ago
hope fm 18 uptades will upload again very soon. thx for great work kids. Cheers
15 years ago
25 minutes ago
also please no more PMs re this

I have given a workaround for you I do not have any files to pass on and just to reiterate I am not the staff member who removed the files

suggest some users re read this post the next one to PM regarding this issue will get a warning
7 years ago
5 months ago

Is there any news about the FM18 data update?
15 years ago
6 hours ago
Can anyone share the latest fm18 update that was available?

Hi, i have that,but i dont know the date of update
Alessandro Ricardo12
5 years ago
5 months ago
hey can someone provide the FM 17 last data update?
I'll be really grateful
7 years ago
3 years ago
Why isn't anyone clear? When will the FM 17 transfer update arrive? If there is certain information, would you write?

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