Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
I haven't bought the copy of FMT20 yet but I have found this from the original Korea Links from the original post it maybe worth someon giving it a try if they can.

So basically using the old FMT19 patch from above but edit the settings

I have edited the files myself but can't test them basically I have edited all the files likes instructed below.

Download here valid for 14 days

Let everyone know if it works.

When the bear skin is not loaded during the FMT 20 patch
[Level: 3]MercuryViews 165 Votes 2 Comments 7 copy

While FMT patching, the bear's skin wasn't loaded.

Bear skin:

1. Go to the skins folder after downloading the bear skin.

2. Enter fmc dark tablet1 (the top folder) under the skins folder.

3. Open the skin_config.xml file with Notepad. 4. The value of required_versin at the bottom is 19.0.0. 5. Change 19.0.0 to 20.0.0.

6. Edit all skin_config.xml files under the skins folder under fmc dark tablets 1 to 5 and fmc retro tablet 1 to 5 folders as 4 and 5.

7. Put skins on iPad and reset cache in preferences

-> Face packs, logos, uniforms and other patch files can be found easily if you search

8. Interface-Check the skin list and you're done!

Found here
9 years ago
3 days ago

I tried this step. But when I place a new skin, the game never opens ...

Do you have the same problem?
Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
I have updated it with what I think the files should be but can't confirm as I haven't bought it yet myself
10 years ago
20 minutes ago
I have updated it with what I think the files should be but can't confirm as I haven't bought it yet myself

I am just trying it out now and will post my findings hopefully within an hour.


10 years ago
20 minutes ago
I tried this step. But when I place a new skin, the game never opens ...

Do you have the same problem?

No, I just followed it all as posted. Change the line at the bottom of each config file and then the usual ios file share options. Have you got the latest ios software update?

Cameron Eaton
5 years ago
5 years ago
Are you even on this game???
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
49 seconds ago
Can confirm Paul’s post works a treat on iOS 12.3 iPad pro
Paul Biggin
11 years ago
6 months ago
Awesome news! Will get it downloaded now
10 years ago
3 years ago
Guys, are you able to put files into iPad? Because in my iTunes I don’t have option for file sharing. I have latest iOS and iTunes firmware.
15 years ago
1 month ago
Hello guys,

I am sorry if this has already been discussed. I am new to FM Touch (been playing FM since CM01/02) and I am pretty lost about the editing the game part. I have been looking around but haven't found a proper answer.

Is it possible at all to add the real names fix? Even if it is with a change.txt file instead of how it is done in FM?

Concerning the File sharing option, you have to go to the iPad icone on iTunes when connected via cable to your laptop, then on the left you have a column and among the options you should find File Sharing.

Edit: The skin tutorial above works perfectly
10 years ago
3 years ago
Ok another question - I remember that some time ago I found guide how to enable more than 3 countries on iPad, anyone remember how to do it?
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
49 seconds ago
Hello guys,

I am sorry if this has already been discussed. I am new to FM Touch (been playing FM since CM01/02) and I am pretty lost about the editing the game part. I have been looking around but haven't found a proper answer.

Is it possible at all to add the real names fix? Even if it is with a change.txt file instead of how it is done in FM?

Concerning the File sharing option, you have to go to the iPad icone on iTunes when connected via cable to your laptop, then on the left you have a column and among the options you should find File Sharing.

Edit: The skin tutorial above works perfectly

Real names didn’t work in 19, nor does it 20

All graphics work
8 years ago
2 years ago
I tried this step. But when I place a new skin, the game never opens ...

Do you have the same problem?

I tried one new skin and then all graphics work, but then I realise I cannot read some of the news as the background and fonts are in the same color. So I tried another skin and restarted the game, then it can’t be opened anymore, it just keep on loading for ages.
Chris Regan
5 years ago
4 years ago
How long when you’ve reloaded the skin should it take to load the graphics? I’ve an iPad mini, 2019, and it’s been around 4 hours and still hasn’t loaded.

Sure last years was around half an hour. Will reinstall and try again
norman k
5 years ago
3 years ago
for FMT20, it appears that the graphics folder is now named 'pictures'?
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
49 seconds ago
Took about 30 mins on iPad Pro 2018. All mega packs loaded
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
49 seconds ago
Took about 30 mins on iPad Pro 2018. All mega packs loaded
9 years ago
4 years ago
Took about 30 mins on iPad Pro 2018. All mega packs loaded

Can you do this on ios13 as I see no file sharing option in iTunes
5 years ago
9 months ago
Took about 30 mins on iPad Pro 2018. All mega packs loaded

Did you use 20/21 graphics pack? How?
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
49 seconds ago
Can you do this on ios13 as I see no file sharing option in iTunes

Yes just connect to itunes
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
49 seconds ago
Did you use 20/21 graphics pack? How?

Assume you mean 19/20?

Yes all my PC games graphics moved easily, faces kits logos city packs stadiums etc
9 years ago
4 years ago
Assume you mean 19/20?

Yes all my PC games graphics moved easily, faces kits logos city packs stadiums etc

Thank you so much I have finally sorted it
18 years ago
12 hours ago
Assume you mean 19/20?

Yes all my PC games graphics moved easily, faces kits logos city packs stadiums etc

Have you use any specific skin ... or you just move the graphics into the ipad and just start the ipad
10 years ago
20 minutes ago
Ok another question - I remember that some time ago I found guide how to enable more than 3 countries on iPad, anyone remember how to do it?

I don't believe this is possible, which is a great shame. I tried to champion that if it was a database size issue, then perhaps you could select only say the top leagues at specific countries, to keep it under say a cap of 20,000 players.

Please let me know if you find a way.

5 years ago
2 weeks ago
Thank you so much I have finally sorted it

Can you use any of the kit files available here or do you need to track down the .fmf files?
11 years ago
16 hours ago
I found the new skin for FMT 2020 on an iOS device, but I can't download it, anyone help?
18 years ago
12 hours ago
Guys. There’s no need of any skin. Just upload your graphic in a folder called Pictures and then it will work.
8 years ago
2 years ago
Bonjour à tous je suis sur ipad air 2019 j'ai achetée
fm touch 2020, j'ai essayée et télécharger toute vos astuces, sans tjr pas y arriver....
Quand je lance le jeu et je vais dans interface et rien n'a changée.

Pouvez vous m'aidez SVP car ça m'embête vraiment de jouer sans les visages et logo...

Il faut mettre dossier graphique ou images ??
Skins avec ou dossier seul aussi ???

Jattend votre aide pour le plaisir de jouer...
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
49 seconds ago
You do need the skin. The pictures won’t show unless you change skin
18 years ago
12 hours ago
You do need the skin. The pictures won’t show unless you change skin

Sorry but i think is not true. Im using the default skin and I upload 6.3 gb of graphics and works totally fine.

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