8 years ago
4 months ago
Haha. Thanks to your tutorial, I was able to go to check advanced rules and found some basic TV rules. Thanks to you.

Although I don't understand the difference here... And what its mean? In real life Sky announced fixtures for 1-2 monts before. What should I choose here then?

I also found TV selector. But don't understand what 'first date index' is for. It's number of round when rule is starting? If yes, then okay.

Number of matches also very low, not that real as I want it to be... Also wondering why Wed/Tue matches are not selected as Satelite, as the rest are? It's same Sky.

(Sorry if offtop - I' stop if it is)
15 years ago
10 minutes ago
Created thread for @stprm
15 years ago
10 minutes ago
I havent had chance to look at the editor yet regarding this perhaps someone can shed some light the rules there are usually straight froward time/date of fixtures and TV type
8 years ago
4 months ago
I havent had chance to look at the editor yet regarding this perhaps someone can shed some light the rules there are usually straight froward time/date of fixtures and TV type

Thanks for thread. I was able to understand how to create TV games via 'TV date' table (Advanced rules → England → SkyBetChamp → Stages → Stage0 → League schedule → Match days → TV Dates)

English isn't my first language, so sorry if I will interpret some stuff wrongly. But:
1. Column "no of matches' 100% means how many games would be selected for TV every tour based on rule you created. So if it's 5, then 5 games would be TV-games (like on Wednesday - apparently it's also counts Sky Sports red button games, IDK why developers count them, but nevermind).
2. Column 'first date index' means on which tour your rule will be applied for the first time and column "last date index' surely means when your rule will be applied last time (1-46 for EFL). So for example in the last 46 tour/round EFL allow to show live 2-3 simultaneously games. So you need to set first time index at 46. Or 45? Because in EPL rules it set to 37 as default. Strange.
3. String 'overall number of dates to move' need if you want to strict number of rounds where you rule will be applied. So, if you create rule for Wednesday games and set this value to 15 - it doesn't make sense, because Wednesday rounds are already much fewer than 15.
4. Column 'match type' is intresting & complicated, some elements will fit only for one league, but it's easy to find out which are 100% fit for any league. Although some are really strange, like 'ask competition'?..
5. I can't understand string 'flags' at all. Is it news notification for tv games? I don't know.

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