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arthur morgan
I can see the problems with picking based on form though, you could possibly end up with a national team full of nobodys and championship players.....
so im just wondering if there is a fix for this at all?
However fmrte has a superb feature where you can swap players called up to a squad so you can monitor the call ups and if not happy change them
This is great if you want to mirror real life squads too
arthur morgan
Im not even lying, I have clocked about 8,000 hours on FM games on console and PC since 2007 and this is the first time i have heard of fmrte lol what is it and how do i get it? =]
arthur morgan
ahh not to worry, i just remember that google is here to answer my questions lol thanks for bringing it to my attention
arthur morgan
Thanks for telling me about it, I just wish you had told me that its not free before i downloaded it. =[
I think the buy now option is a clue on the site
arthur morgan
I did not download it via this website, i googled it after you mentioned it. And yeah it dont cost to download it, but what it DOES do is let you make a ton of edits only to then tell you you have to pay to SAVE those edits, and yeah it says you have to pay to use ALL features, making me think that only SOME FEATURES are locked behind a paywall, but if you cant save without paying, that means ALL features are behind said paywall.
( the fact that it let me make some edits at first made me think i was able to do those certain things for free, only for it to say you wanna save this?,pay me. It was really not clear on it at all. )
arthur morgan
edited out the swearing, sorry.