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Would you mind giving more detailed instructions? Do we need to create a folder "graphics" under "Pictures"? Thank you very much.
A useful solution from another forum by maxisignorelli.
I first copied the logo pack I got to iPad, but it does not load. Then I tried to install one of the skins by changing the version to 20.2.3 (the current version). Then it loads several minutes before getting the main screen. Now I can see the real logos for Premier League clubs.
But I still couldn't load faces.
Of course.
After i connect my ipad Pro to the mac in a new finder window I then added a new Picture folder. The process of adding stuff is the same as before with iTunes.
1. You can’t just move stuff from FM19 to FM20 for example.
2. One you have your folder ready with everything inside and you have dragged on FM20 you have to wait from 30 minutes to up 1 hour. Unfortunately I notice there isn’t anything that will tell you when is done. So best to wait. My folder is 6.09GB and I waited 1 hour. Then you check if it’s all in and than you sync.
3. Start FM20 and then go on preferences and clear the cache. Close completely FM20 and run again. It will take a bit but then here we go. All your logos and anything you want to add.
Thank you very much for the instructions.
I am new to FM and FM20 touch is the first one I have ever played. So I don't really know what file structure worked in the previous series. I did some experiments by putting logo fold under the "Pictures" folder. But it didn't work. Then I tried to put it under "Pictures/graphics", then I see the club logos. I did the same for faces, but find nothing in the game. I wonder if you could share under which folder you put the face pack? Also, I found that there is a config file in my face pack. Do I need to change anything there? Thank you very much.
PS: The face pack I found is the FM11 pack, which is about 13GB. Doing experiments with it really takes a long time.
The problem in my case is the face pack that I used. I changed to the Scope face package, which is about 6GB (thanks for sharing this info. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to guess which face pack worked for you).
But I need to load another skin to make the logo pack work.
Thank you very much!
Bielsa is a legend
You have 2 choices, change skin in preferences and reload, will take a while, or;
Delete game and update all graphics into new Pictures folder, replacing original game file
Only file I can’t get to work properly is city packs, too light for skin so can’t see all text
Bielsa is a legend
Any idea what the issue might be?
Bielsa is a legend
Thanks for the reply, yes I am on a Mac but have to transfer the skin folder via finder as iPad doesn’t register in iTunes, I may try on a Windows lap top
Bielsa is a legend
I only use windows, not familiar with Mac
Try the skins from here :
the folder should be called "skins"
Thank you but still. No joy no other skins showing so I can change
Lars van Kooten
Hey there,
First of all, I wanted to say I really enjoy using your site. I've downloaded many player pictures and have been able to get them in the game. Thanks.
In the meantime I've found out how to add pictures for staff members as well. However, they only show up in the 'inbox menu', not when you would go to their profile. This especially seems to be the case for retired players who turn into staff members. Does anyone know why?
Also, I downloaded a logo pack, and have many logos in the game now, but not for the Champions League and the FA Cup for example yet unfortunately.. And I've also not been able to find them on this site when looking in the Leagues category..
Hope someone could help me out!
Sorry forgot to say that, I play FM 20 Mobile by the way..
Make sure all of your files / sub-files are not in capitals, so graphics / pictures / stadiums should all be in lower case.
Bielsa is a legend
As an aside, has anybody managed to get city pic backgrounds working with the 2020 skin, I can get them working, but certain words are hard to read on light backgrounds
Bielsa is a legend
Apologies SI guys, but all friends here!
Where did you get your logos and faces from?
Bielsa is a legend
Matt, they are the cut out packs from this site
Go to downloads section, all in there
No but I’m using a good one that is the dark tablet and gets rid of the purple and replaces it with a black and grey background which is far easier on the eye.
Bielsa is a legend
Do you have a link mate
I can't seem to upload the skin to here. Send me a PM and I will send it to you.
Thank you, will do
jamie marris
I have and didn’t work for me Juventus and the Spanish teams still not real names. Has anyone managed to get the names correct? Can get everything else working just need this and game is complete