Standard Kits Megapacks

Our Football Manager Standard Kits Megapack matches the same design as the Default Kits in Football Manager but includes all the real Kit Designs that Football Manager doesn't come with by default.

  • 1,798
  • 2024.04 - Released on 06 Jan 2024
Standard Kits Megapacks
I wanted to create a set of english Premier League kits that matched the same as the rest of the licensed kits available in the game. I have painstakingly put these together in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and am willing to share the working files and tips on how i did it using components with others who might want to crate other leagues?

I hope you enjoy these!
7 years ago
3 months ago
Anyone have the a .png file of the new FM2020 kits so i can create the new kits to match the in game. I don't have FM2020
13 years ago
1 month ago
@mva0322, would be great to see Premier League standard kits for this season.
You can find a sample of the new 2D template kits released by @Florin.Hangu on the last post at the following link:
13 years ago
1 month ago
@mva0322, bear in mind that 2 Premier League teams already have licensed kits: one is Watford, as always. The other is Arsenal, but their kits are available only for the owners of the Arsenal Edition DLC version of the game. If someone with this game version want to help you, he could extract the kits files and pass them to you here.
7 years ago
3 months ago
Hey thanks for your comments. I'm working through these and have now done 12 of the 20 Premier league Teams. I'll drop some samples below and hopefully i'll get them all done before i go on holiday at the end of the week. Orthodox who created the PR Kit set was kind enough to provide me with his .PSD files so i don't need to recreate all the background patterns for all the kit variations.

I still can't get the Man City third kit to work so if anyone know's how to fix that i would be super appreciative!

here are examples of what i've done thus far:

Arsenal - these are the ones i drew from scratch



Man Utd

Sheffield United

West Ham

13 years ago
1 month ago
mva0322, great to see you working on these kits. Unfortunately, I cannot see the preview on dropbox since it require to sign in.

Regarding the Man City third kit problem, you have to use the SSKCC file by hammer or the editor data file released by bolid74 in his SS England 1-6 kitpack.
Alternatively, you can add the Man City third shirt in the pre-game editor or through the in-game editor.
The reason is the shirt is not present in the db, so you have to add it.
See this:
7 years ago
3 months ago
@ivs Thanks for that info I can send you a preview of the kits i've done so far if you like - I don't know how to host images on this forum without using dropbox - do you have any suggestions? Otherwise I can email you a preview. I only have Norwich, Bournemouth, Everton, Burnley, Crystal palace, newcastle and Brighton left to complete.

I also have been in contact with some of the other site managers regarding kits and they have been hit with infringement notices by clubs for hosting kits - has that happened over here? i don't want to get anyone in trouble!

As for using the in game editor to get the Man City third kit to work. I have the steam version of FM2020 and the in game editor doesn't work. I've had numerous correspondence with SI Games about it and they are super unhelpful - they really do not care and are unwilling to refund . I don't support you know where I can get that SSKCC file from? Luckily i was able to use FMRTE (mac version) to change one of the extra pairs of Third Kit socks into a Shirt - thanks for that info!

13 years ago
1 month ago
If you want to show a preview of your kits, you can simply upload your pics on for example and then copy them here. Or you can just attach the images in your message. But I trust you, so no need for a preview.

I also have been in contact with some of the other site managers regarding kits and they have been hit with infringement notices by clubs for hosting kits - has that happened over here? i don't want to get anyone in trouble!
I think and I sincerely hope that none of this involved Anyway, for more info I suggest you to contact @hammer9

As for using the in game editor to get the Man City third kit to work. I have the steam version of FM2020 and the in game editor doesn't work. I've had numerous correspondence with SI Games about it and they are super unhelpful - they really do not care and are unwilling to refund . I don't support you know where I can get that SSKCC file from? Luckily i was able to use FMRTE (mac version) to change one of the extra pairs of Third Kit socks into a Shirt - thanks for that info!
You can download the SSKCC for FM20 here:
or you can download the SS English kitpack made by bolid and put the editor data file contained in this pack in the editor data folder:
7 years ago
3 months ago
Let's this if this preview works?


13 years ago
1 month ago
Really nice kits! Great job!
Are you going to realize any other default kits for FM 2020 after the Premier League pack?
Juventus and Spanish teams need your graphics skills...
Just saying...

P.S. My only doubt about the kits is the size of the Premier League sleeve badge. Maybe it's slightly too big? What do you think? Should it be included?
7 years ago
3 months ago
I don't think i have the time to do other leagues but happy to share the source files for people who have the skills to created them in adobe photoshop and illustrator. As for the sleeve sponsor i've only made it 110% larger than they appear in real life as so you can make them out. They're actually smaller than most of the other kit packs that are available.

If there are any kit producers our there that would like to get involved in this project then please get in touch and i'd be happy to share the .psd files
7 years ago
3 months ago
I've finished the Premier league kit pack and it can be downloaded here:

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