SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Romania - Liga 1-4 SS'2019/20 by ovidiu10 ( Relink!
(updated - some updated kits)
Mexico - Liga MX SS'2019 by bktr_025 New!
Portugal - Liga NOS SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
Portugal - Liga Ledman SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
France - Ligue One SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
France - Ligue Two SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
France - FFF National SS'2019/20 by no name New!
France - FFF National 2 SS'2019/20 by no name New!
Germany - All Regionalligas Leagues SS'2019/20 by cHMIELu New!
Spain - Liga Smartbank SS@2019/209 by shooto Relink!
(updated - remade Deportivo away kit)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
Just notice...I haven't checked SSKCC for few above packs, will work on it soon.
SSKCC19.3.6 v0.8 for 19/20 kits on FM19 ONLY Relink! (12/01/20)
(updated - Mexico (L1), France (L1-3), Portugal (L1-2) & few leagues as well.)
(Still working on SSKCC with Spain 1-18, Serbia Full Leagues & Romania Liga 3-4, Italy C/D, France N2, Germany Regionalligas soon)
> See SSKCC for FM19 only! <
they are still WIP waiting lists tho
Portugal - Liga NOS SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - fixed config error)
Denmark - Alka Superliga SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
Brazil - Serie A SS'2019 by shooto New!
France - Ligue 1 SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - Added Strasbourg third kit & added PSG fourth kit in Alt folder)
France - Ligue 2 SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - Added third kits for Auxerre, Caen, Lens, Nancy, Lorient & Sochaux)
Spain - Liga Santander SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - Added Sevilla fourth kit in Alt folder)
Spain - Liga SmartBank SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - Remade Deportivo Coruna home kit)
Mexico - Liga MX SS'2019 by bktr_025 Relink!
(updated - few new added 3rd kits, remade America & Pumas and fixed config error)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.2.3 v0.2 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (23/01/20)
(updated - Most of the Leagues as possible plus some new packs too, just bear with me.)
(Still working on SSKCC with Italy C&D, Germany Regionalligas, Spain 1-18, Serbia Full Leagues & Romania Liga 3-4 soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Slovenia - Prva Liga SS'2019/20 by bolid74 New!
England - English League Level 7-8 SS'2019/20 by bolid74 Relink!
(updated - Added new kits for Gainsborough, Swindon Supermarine and Hartley & Wintney)
Brazil - Serie A SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - Added Goias third kit & fixed config error)
Malta - Full Leagues SS'2019/20 by Jacob Michael New!
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.2.3 v0.3 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (23/01/20)
(updated - Slovenia (L1), Malta (L1-4) & fixed other leagues too., just bear with me.)
(Still working on SSKCC with Italy C&D, Germany Regionalligas, Spain 1-18, Serbia Full Leagues & Romania Liga 3-4 soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Greece - SuperLeague SS'2019/20 by Mysterio Relink!
(updated - few correct kits)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.2.3 v0.4 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (26/01/20)
(updated - Greece (L1) & fixed other leagues too., just bear with me.)
(Still working on SSKCC with Italy C&D, Germany Regionalligas, Spain 1-18, Serbia Full Leagues & Romania Liga 3-4 soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Spain - Liga Santander SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - Real Valladolid new sponsors)
Ukraine - Premier Liga SS'2019/20 by Jay_Jay_Max Relink!
(updated - sponsor added, added third kits)
Ukraine - Persha Liga SS'2019/20 by Jay_Jay_Max & Sahazkiy New!
Ukraine - Druga Liga SS'2019/20 by Jay_Jay_Max New!
England - English Leagues Level 7-8 SS'2019/20 by bolid74 Relink!
(updated - new kits for Romford, Staines and Kidlington)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
Just notice...I haven't checked SSKCC for few above packs, will work on it soon.
Ukraine - Persha Liga SS'2019/20 by Jay_Jay_Max & Sahazkiy Relink!
(updated - Added ID for FM20 in config)
Italy - Serie C SS'2019/20 by Fusion DB Relink!
(updated - Added Viterbese away missing)
Argentina - Superliga SS'2019/20 by FranCarbonaro Relink!
(updated - new kits, Racing new sponsor)
Philippines - Football League SS'2019 by carcazz New! (i haven't done with SSKCC yet!)
Japan - J-League SS'2020 by Kotoko (FMNation) New! (i haven't done with SSKCC yet!)
France - FFF National 2 SS'2019/20 by no name Relink!
(updated - fixed config error)
Serbia - All Leagues Megapack SS'2019/20 by BajaHater Relink!
(updated - few remade, add third kits, sponsor etc)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs for FM19 only!:-
SSKCC19.3.6 v1.0 for 19/20 kits on FM19 ONLY Relink! (14/02/20)
(updated - Ukraine (L1-3), Italy (L3-4), Romania (L3-4). Serbia (full), Germany (L4) & fixed other leagues too.)
(Still working on SSKCC with Spain 1-18 soon)
> See SSKCC for FM19 only! <
Philippines - Football League SS'2019 Relink!
(updated - removed Airforce because of same 2 home and away & fixed with SSKCC)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs for FM19 only!:-
SSKCC19.3.6 v1.1 for 19/20 kits on FM19 ONLY Relink! (15/02/20)
(updated - Philippines (L1) & fixed other leagues too.)
(Still working on SSKCC with Spain 1-18 & Japan soon)
> See SSKCC for FM19 only! <
Korea - K1 League SS'2020 by Kotoko (FMNation) New!
Algeria - Ligue Professionnelle 1 SS'2019/20 by marco talhadas New!
England - English League Level 7-8 by bolid74 Relink!
(updated - some new kits & Added North West Counties (L9)
Korea - K2 League SS'2020 by Kotoko (FMNation) New!
Egypt - Egyptian Premier League SS'2019/20 by marco talhadas New!
Fiji - Premier League SS'2020 by GatitoESP New!
England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2019/20 by bolid74 Relink!
(updated - its final kits after some added third kits, sponsors, etc)
Grenada - GFA Premier Division SS'19-20 by gianni1970 New!
> See on SS Download kits!! <
Just notice...I haven't checked SSKCC for few above packs, will work on it soon.
Uzbekistan - Super League SS'2019 by marco talhadas New!
Turkmenistan - Yokary Liga SS'2019 by marco talhadas New!
Finland - Ykkonen SS'2019 by marco talhadas New!
Scotland - Scottish Lower Leagues SS'2019/20 by WhiteH New!
> See on SS Download kits!! <
Just notice...I haven't checked SSKCC for few above packs, will work on it soon.
Spain - Tercera Division Groups 1-18 SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - fixed config error and name of the team as well)
Serbia - All Leagues Megapack SS'2019/20 by BajaHater Relink!
(updated - fixed config error, many change new kits, added 3rd kits)
Iceland - 1.Deild Karla SS'2019 by marco talhadas New!
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.4.1 v0.7 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (29/03/20)
(updated - Ukraine (L1-3), Romania (L3-4), Spain (G1-18), Serbia (all leagues), & few leagues as well..)
(Still working on SSKCC with USA, France (National 2), Philippines, Italy D, Germany Regionalligas, other new packs soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Gibraltar - National League SS'2019/20 by afrika New!
Iceland - Pepsi Max League SS'2019/20 by marco talhadas New!
> See on SS Download kits!! <
Just notice...I haven't checked SSKCC for few above packs, will work on it soon.
Italy - Serie A SS'2019/20 by bolid74 Relink!
(updated - added Milan, Lazio and Juve in Alt folders, see here)
Cyprus - League 1st Division SS'2019/20 by dimitrisnic New!
> See on SS Download kits!! <
Just notice...I haven't checked SSKCC for few above packs, will work on it soon.
Fußball-Oberliga SS'19/20
Germany - 3.Liga SS'2019/20 by cHMIELu Relink!
(updated - Added Chemnitz & Grossaspach third kits (ready SSKCCv0.8.1 or in-game editor yourself))
Czech - Moravskoslezsk fotbalov Liga (level 3) SS'2019/20 by Whydack New! (Not SSKCC yet)
Spain - Tercera Division Groups 1-18 SS'2019/20 Relink!
(updated - fixed config and added Olimpic third (ready SSKCCv0.8.1 or in-game editor yourself)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.4.1 v0.8.1 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (11/04/20)
(updated - Germany (L3), Russia (L1-2), Spain (L4) & few leagues as well..)
(Still working on SSKCC with Scotland Lower Leagues, Cyprus & Malta soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Czech - Moravskoslezsk fotbalov Liga (level 3) SS'2019/20 by Whydack Relink!
(updated - relink was down, so relink)
Malta - Full Leagues SS'2019/20 by Jacob Michael Relink!
(updated - fixed config error)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.4.1 v0.9 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (12/04/20)
(updated - Cyprus(L1), Malta(L1-4), Czceh(L3) & few leagues as well..)
(Still working on SSKCC with Scotland Lower Leagues & Oberliga soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Nations - Africa SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
Nations - Asia SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
Nations - Europe SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
Nations - North America & Caribbean SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
Nations - Oceania SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
Nations - South America SS'2019/20 by shooto New!
> See on SS Download Nations kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.4.1 v1.0 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (17/04/20)
(updated - All Nations & few leagues as well..)
(Still working on SSKCC with Oberliga soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Nations - South America SS'2019/20 by shooto Relink!
(updated - remade kits for Argentina, bolivia, brazil, chile & colombia)
> See on SS Download Nations kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.4.1 v1.1 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (18/04/20)
(updated - South America Nation, Czech (L2) & few leagues as well..)
(Still working on SSKCC with Oberliga soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Nations - Oceania SS'2019/20 Relink!
(updated - Added Kiribati, Micronesia & Wallis kits)
> See on SS Download Nations kits!! <
England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2019-20 by bolid74 Relink!
(updated - see details here)
Japan - J1 League SS'2020 by Kotoko Relink!
(updated - Added new 4 kits)
Scotland - Scottish Lower League SS'2019/20 by WhiteH Relink!
(updated - Added 9 team kits)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.4.1 v2.1 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (25/04/20)
(updated - Germany(L5), Korea(L1), Cyprus(L2) and few leagues as well..)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Sweden - Allsvenskan SS'2019/20 by pgjr Relink!
Argentina - Primera Division B (L3) SS'2019/20 by FranCarbonaro New!
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.4.1 v2.2 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (01/05/20)
(updated - Italy (L3-4), Sweden (L1) and few leagues as well..)
(Still working on SSKCC with USA (L2-3) & Argentina (L3) soon)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
🙄 ok thanks
Chile Primera División
Chile Primera B
I'm gonna upload my templates when I get them ready, I have México 1st and both Chilean leagues to share
Edit: Palestino home kit fixed
Chile - Primera Division & Primera B SS'2020 by bktr_025 Relink!
(updated - fixed config error)
USA - USL League One SS'2020 by Uncle Sam Relink!
(updated - fixed config error)
> See on SS Download kits!! <
SS'19/20 update packs:-
SSKCC20.4.1 v2.3 for 19/20 kits on FM20 ONLY Relink! (04/05/20)
(updated - USA (L2-3), Argentina (L3), Chile (L1-2) and few leagues as well..)
(please let me know if any error, default kit, no third, missing kits etc thanks)
> See SSKCC for FM20 only! <
Uncle Sam
USL Championship:
USL League One:
National Independent Soccer Association: