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MEGAPACK 1.4 released as of September 23, 2024.
The pack now consists of over 7,650 club, nation and competition logo's, in the 1.3 updated version 800 logo's were added/updated, with special thanks for the 1.3 update goes to @Mano76jl who created almost all added logo's for the pack.
Download link for version 1.4:
The ESS logo’s were originally created by Tom Dixon around 2010 and I have personally always preferred the v5 over the newer v6.
The problem was that there were no v5 logo’s anywhere to be downloaded and as they were created lots of years ago they would be most likely be outdated now.
I used Tom’s template to create new and updated versions of the most common logo’s.
As every logo needs to be created individually this is a VERY time-consuming operation and I have completed all main competition teams (some leagues have 2 divisions, some 3-5 divisions club logo’s done).
I started working on them in the fall of 2018 so it could be that during the 2019-2020 season a few teams changed to a new logo, please let me know if this is the case so I can replace the outdated logo.
It was a conscious decision to go for "QUALITY instead of quantity". There are some very big logo packs out there, I created all logos by myself and for me this is sufficient to have fun playing the game with these new logos.
I strongly suggest you keep your current preferred logo pack installed and overwrite them partly with these if you like them. That way if a logo is missing for a certain competition/club you will still have your old logo instead of the default logo.
There is a "config.xml" in every category for the specific logo's, if you choose to implement the logos in your existing logo pack installed DON'T overwrite the config.xml in your logo folder, the config file is only intended for use with a "clean install" of the logo's.
The download has a "Normal" and "Small" folder. it includes the regular logo and the icon both in ESS v5 format.
There also are folders included in the pack with "old" logo's that since have been replaced/updated and "alt" logo's, which contain alternative logo's to choose from.
Requests/updates: PLEASE provide a quality logo (not a logo from a different logo pack) together with the ID#. I might not be able to follow up on all requests I will get but I will for sure update any missing or outdated logo's. Your feedback and help to keep this collection up-to-date is vital.
1. Download the file then use 7-Zip or WinRar to extract the files.
2. On Windows, extract the contents to \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20**\data\graphics\logos. For Mac users, go to /Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20**/data/graphics.
3. Boot up Football Manager 20** and go to Preferences, then Interface. Clear the cache via the button in the bottom left, then enable the "Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences" option. Hit confirm and voila, your brand new logo pack should be installed.
Previews per country (not all teams shown):
England (116 clubs)
Germany (77 clubs)
Spain (125 clubs)
Italy (89 clubs)
France (72 clubs)
Austria (44 clubs)
Croatia (76 clubs)
Czech Republic (33 clubs)
Greece (32 clubs)
Netherlands (60 clubs)
Portugal (42 clubs)
Russia (36 clubs)
Scotland (32 clubs)
Sweden (73 clubs)
Switzerland (33 clubs)
Turkey (38 clubs)
Belgium (25 clubs)
Ukraine (31 clubs)
Slovenia (25 clubs)
Slovakia (28 clubs)
Serbia (33 clubs)
Poland (52 clubs)
Belarus (32 clubs)
Bulgaria (29 clubs)
Norway (35 clubs)
Romania (37 clubs)
Denmark (52 teams)
Albania (31 clubs)
Azerbaijan (7 clubs)
Finland (25 clubs)
Georgia (21 clubs)
Hungary (35 clubs)
Iceland (28 clubs)
Republic of Ireland (21 clubs)
Israel (31 clubs)
Andorra (11 clubs)
Northern Ireland (25 clubs)
Kazakhstan (23 clubs)
Luxemburg (15 clubs)
Montenegro (23 clubs)
Estonia (13 clubs)
Latvia (13 clubs)
Lithuania (12 clubs)
Cyprus (33 clubs)
Malta (19 clubs)
Moldova (26 clubs)
Armenia (10 clubs)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (18 clubs)
Faroer Islands (13 clubs)
North Macedonia (20 clubs)
San Marino (14 clubs)
Wales (18 clubs)
Kosovo (28 clubs)
Gibraltar (13 clubs)
South America:
Argentina (50 clubs)
Brazil (39 clubs)
Paraguay (28 clubs)
Colombia (36 clubs)
Chile (33 clubs)
Bolivia (14 clubs)
Uruguay (30 clubs)
Ecuador (25 clubs)
Peru (33 clubs)
Venezuela (40 clubs)
North & Central America:
USA (55 clubs)
Mexico (33 clubs)
Costa Rica (30 clubs)
Canada (13 clubs)
Honduras (13 clubs)
Panama (14 clubs)
Egypt (17 clubs)
South Africa (16 clubs)
Ghana (18 clubs)
Tunesia (14 clubs)
Morocco (14 clubs)
Algeria (13 clubs)
DR Congo (14 clubs)
Ivory Coast (11 clubs)
Nigeria (27 clubs)
South Korea (22 clubs)
China (31 clubs)
Australia (9 clubs)
Qatar (17 clubs)
UAE (15 clubs)
Japan (41 clubs)
New Zealand (10 clubs)
Saudi Arabia (30 clubs)
Iran (16 clubs)
Indonesia (30 clubs)
Competitions: (196 logos)
Nations: (224 logos)
Confederations: (7 logos)
In the screenshots i see few outdated logos, Valencia, Brazil and Belgium.
Russian PL had a new version and Canadian Championship is 2018 version
Awesome job !
thank you for the feedback, I started working on the logo's in November/December 2018 and took all logo's that were actual at that time from the internet.
It could well be that some are outdated.
These I updated based on your feedback:
Belgian logo complete (not sure which version looks actually better.........)
For Brazil I think you are mistaken, I double checked and the Brazil Football team logo is different, but this is the logo from the Brazil Football Confederation
I will start uploading clubs/competition/nation logo's this weekend, any feedback is always welcome.
Please provide HQ logo's if possible if I missed something or the version is outdated (no logo's from other logo packs but "clean/unaltered" logos please.
Hi !
I just check the brazilian cfb web site and they are using the new one
I think belgium had a kind of a crown on the top and laurel on the bottom
You should keep the outdated ones on the file, they can be use for FM19
A list of the really recent new logos, don't know if you already edit them but I put it on anyway
argentina league
south korea
I will help you if there are others outdated logos in the file
I have started uploading club/nation/competition logo's shortly and will update the OP so download links and previews of the logo's for each are easy to find
About the korea logo, i provided the national team logo because it's the one i use for the national teams.
To be more clear, for the national teams i use the logo of the shirt, like the black and white eagle for germany, and i use the federation logo for the competition like u19 leagues and stuff like that, which is the dfb green one in germany.
I do the same with Argentina, China, Japan, Saudi, Australia Netherlands, Ivory Coast, Czech, France, Spain, Austria and some others
Next time i will provide both
Just remember iceland, cyprus fa (don't know if it the fa or the national team), wales new logo
International Miami
I had that logo but had no ID assigned to it (I have a few others; Austin Bold, Austin FC, Birmingham Legion, Loudoun United FC, New Mexico United)
OK. At the picture you will see the id.
Thank you for spotting these changed logo's!
No problem at all:
Better image logo
Thailand (Nations/AFC) 140
Top Oss (Clubs/Netherlands) 1042
Diagoras Agias Paraskevis (Clubs/Greece) 36035228
Thonon Evian Grand Geneve (Clubs/France) 50077211
I added a few missing USA logos:
Adrian Lucaci
The 2 top leagues of Romania are included here (37 clubs in total), check it out or do you mean lower leagues?
The Indonesian league isn't a big priority for me, but as per the OP if you provide quality logo's with ID's I will have a look at it
Requests/updates: PLEASE provide a quality logo (not a logo from a different logo pack) together with the ID#. I might not be able to follow up on all requests I will get but I will for sure update any missing or outdated logo's. Your feedback and help to keep this collection up-to-date is vital.
Argentina, Japan and Latvia still use the same logo (I use logo's for the national federation, not the team logo's)
This is the screenshot as example from the Latvian Football Federation website:
Chicago Fire :
Athletico Paranaense :
Parma Calcio :
Palermo :
AFC Wimbledon :
Tokyo Verdy :
Shimizu S-Pulse :
Dalian Yifang Now Dalian Pro :
Tianjin Quanjian Now Tianjin Tianhai :
List Team Id :
Persib Bandung : 116140
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/Persib_logo.svg/876px-Persib_logo.svg.png
Persija Jakarta : 116144
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/94/Persija_Jakarta_logo.png
Persebaya Surabaya : 116145
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a1/Persebaya_logo.svg/851px-Persebaya_logo.svg.png
PSM Makassar : 135494
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/43/PSM_Makassar_logo.svg/901px-PSM_Makassar_logo.svg.png
PSIS Semarang : 135497
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f5/PSIS_logo.svg/835px-PSIS_logo.svg.png
Persiraja Banda Aceh : 135512
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/3c/Persiraja_logo.svg/1024px-Persiraja_logo.svg.png
Persipura Jayapura : 135515
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/60/Persipura_logo.svg/911px-Persipura_logo.svg.png
Barito Putra : 135531
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d6/Barito_Putera_logo.svg/983px-Barito_Putera_logo.svg.png
Arema Malang : 5622736
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c2/Arema_FC_2017_logo.svg/915px-Arema_FC_2017_logo.svg.png
Persita Tangerang : 5622746
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/12/Persita_New_Logo_2020.png
PSS Sleman : 5622747
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c9/PSS_Sleman_logo.svg/855px-PSS_Sleman_logo.svg.png
Persik Kediri : 5622879
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/4c/Persik_Kediri_logo.svg/1097px-Persik_Kediri_logo.svg.png
Persela Lamongan : 7741454
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f4/Persela_logo.svg/830px-Persela_logo.svg.png
Bali United : 7742801
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/5e/Bali_United_logo.svg/752px-Bali_United_logo.svg.png
Borneo FC : 41021352
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/be/Borneo_FC_logo.svg/746px-Borneo_FC_logo.svg.png
Madura United : 41051597
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9d/Madura_United_F.C._logo.png
Bhayangkara FC : 41053239
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/6a/Bhayangkara_FC_logo.svg/701px-Bhayangkara_FC_logo.svg.png
Persikabo 1973 : 41060486
Image : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c9/Persikabo_1973_new_logo.png
Liga 1 Logo : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b1/Shopee_Liga_1_Logo.png
Liga 1 ID : 41004312
Thank you very much for the feedback and logos provided. All done below, alternative work done on Palermo logo (I prefer the round one with the background)
Como (ID : 1123)
Fc Nantes
Alt : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/FC_Nantes_2019_logo.svg/803px-FC_Nantes_2019_logo.svg.png
RB Bragatino (ID : 317)
FC Astana
Belenenses SAD (ID : 83255937)
Hellas Verona
Alt : https://1.bp.blogspot.com/--8R8f17lrYg/XtTgdZNULfI/AAAAAAABb_U/hi0FivWqmVg82rR_D_ESwTfMF8A01m-dQCK4BGAsYHg/Hellas%2BVerona%2BFC256x.png
Indonesia done and uploaded in the OP ;-)
This is the competition logo: