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oh yes
I am undecided so far he is ok
Love Noel
think he and Sandy were great together, but its early days with Matt(was hoping Tom Allen or Joe Brand would get it but they are just a joy on extra slice
for some reason I am not getting into this series usually by now I cant wait for the next episode but perhaps its just me
what do you think about it?
Sura and Peter I really like and hope they go far in the competition
Yeah Sandy and Noel worked really well, don't know why she left?
I've only really watched the celebrity ones up until this season. So this is a nice change for me!
Sura is my favourite tbh, and I've agreed with the ones to go so far. Think there are a couple of other dead weights to go yet!
if could be just me but finding it a bit flat not the same characters/personalities but once again some lovely people in the tent ...apart from Paul
IMO the standard this year is much lower compared to previous years
Yeah, gutted she left too! I thought Linda had a good week in what was a bad week for them all overall. Lottie next to go? Think she is only still there cos Noel has a thing for her!
Day Tripper
I think everyone has a thing for Lottie!
Yes she didn't go because someone else was worse
Lottie is very attractive but not a good baker
Linda's days were always numbered so not surprised she went, another episode of Lottie for you all!
lol you and me both
you didnt miss much by falling asleep these are by far the worst batch(see what I did there)of bakers ever on the TGBBO
Dave /Peter to win I hope
Noooo! They're the worst two in terms of personality! I do think Peter will win it, however. Paul and Prue seem to love him.
I really can't see Laura surviving next week unless she gets lucky again and someone else has a 'mare.
yep they are pretty boring but as I have felt all along... worst series so far IMO, love the programme perhaps its me or has it gone on too long?? I dont know, as by now I would be rooting for who I wanted to win, now I dont really care shame but it could be the 2020 curseđ
I think it might just be the 2020 curse, hopefully!
Taskmaster is the same too, it is still funny and enjoyable to watch...but it is not the same either. Lost a certain something.
There's all lockdown yet, give it time!
Last cookery type show I think I watched was Ready, Steady, Cook with Ainsley Harriott.
100% mate she is the worst ever finalist simply dreadful
well young Peter won hands down really nice lad and I got to say I really warmed to Dave, nice bloke
thats it for another year...love GBBO but being honest this was not a good series baking was not top drawer and there were not many real characters in it, but I am still a big fan....love Noel
Matt- “Noel, are you a fan of custard?”
reply “I love custard. I was very upset when I heard general custard had died at the battle of little creme horn,”