15 years ago
1 year ago
It is easy to to with Genie Scout export and some rather simple excel editing ("replace" and "cocatentate" functions ). It have done it manually for more than 100,000 IDs within less than 3 hours. By doing this, I created a textfile from which the bulk renaming tool renames all pictures in a folder according to the IDs that they should match.

I did it manually, because the ethnicity folders in the tool by above mentioned tool are still full of errors (lots of Asians faces in the Africa folder, lots of blonde whites in South East Asia etc.). So I manually created my own folders, with more granular ethnicities (e.g., White Latino (for countries like Argentina), Mixed/Black Latino (for countries like Brazl), Indian, etc....). Then I bulk renamed all pictures from 1 to X. Then I created the renaming pattern as described above, with the help of Genie Scout export and Excel, mapping each number from 1 to X to a specific ID. Then I ran the bulk renaming tool again to rename the files according to their IDs. Last step is then to use FMXML.

PRocess is quite straight forward if you know what you do. The only bottleneck is the actual availability of faces!! This is why GAN is so incredibly fantastic! If I would have 500,000 properly generated faces, I could link them into the game within within a lunch break.
15 years ago
44 minutes ago
It is easy to to with Genie Scout export and some rather simple excel editing ("replace" and "cocatentate" functions ). It have done it manually for more than 100,000 IDs within less than 3 hours. By doing this, I created a textfile from which the bulk renaming tool renames all pictures in a folder according to the IDs that they should match.

I did it manually, because the ethnicity folders in the tool by above mentioned tool are still full of errors (lots of Asians faces in the Africa folder, lots of blonde whites in South East Asia etc.). So I manually created my own folders, with more granular ethnicities (e.g., White Latino (for countries like Argentina), Mixed/Black Latino (for countries like Brazl), Indian, etc....). Then I bulk renamed all pictures from 1 to X. Then I created the renaming pattern as described above, with the help of Genie Scout export and Excel, mapping each number from 1 to X to a specific ID. Then I ran the bulk renaming tool again to rename the files according to their IDs. Last step is then to use FMXML.

PRocess is quite straight forward if you know what you do. The only bottleneck is the actual availability of faces!! This is why GAN is so incredibly fantastic! If I would have 500,000 properly generated faces, I could link them into the game within within a lunch break.

Any chance of you sharing the folders you created
12 years ago
5 days ago
yes i wanna have that aswell
10 years ago
3 years ago
This looks amazing. I am currently using this pack https://df11faces.com/Regens-Megapack. They were automatically assigned to the regens. Could I use the config file for that one (adjusted to fit the amount of faces)? I have no clue how to do it from scratch.

Any advice for a dummy on how to actually do it from scratch is also greatly appreciated of course.
12 years ago
5 days ago
i think FuryG would know the answer
4 years ago
3 months ago
This looks amazing. I am currently using this pack https://df11faces.com/Regens-Megapack. They were automatically assigned to the regens. Could I use the config file for that one (adjusted to fit the amount of faces)? I have no clue how to do it from scratch.

Any advice for a dummy on how to actually do it from scratch is also greatly appreciated of course.

With the script I posted? If so then yes. You just need exactly 14,256 images named/numbered exactly 1 to 14256. Replace the config file in your megapack folder with the one I posted the link too. Clear cache and reload skin. Anything with a generated face will now get one from the pack you downloaded.

But the NewGan V1 faces are excellent so I use them. Now I did hear there is a python script floating around that can auto-assign sorted pics to nationality/ethnicity. If someone comes across that then it would really be sweet to hook it in this project.
10 years ago
3 years ago
With the script I posted? If so then yes. You just need exactly 14,256 images named/numbered exactly 1 to 14256. Replace the config file in your megapack folder with the one I posted the link too. Clear cache and reload skin. Anything with a generated face will now get one from the pack you downloaded.

But the NewGan V1 faces are excellent so I use them. Now I did hear there is a python script floating around that can auto-assign sorted pics to nationality/ethnicity. If someone comes across that then it would really be sweet to hook it in this project.

Ah I completely missed your posts. I'll have a look later today or tomorrow, thank you!
12 years ago
8 months ago
Any chance you could make some female faces when you create the staff pack?
11 years ago
2 months ago
This is a new level of regens! Amazing! Thank you very much!
17 years ago
5 days ago
Simultaneously besides improving the generated faces, I am working on an app that manages the config generation for your regens. I aim to make it cross-platform compatible (Linux/OSX/Win10). Also we teamed up with people from Zealand to improve and diversify our next facepack. Plus we have a better cleaning process, so we get rid of the "halo" most of the time completely.

We hope to release it soon, but it will still take some time. So stay tuned.
15 years ago
44 minutes ago
Simultaneously besides improving the generated faces, I am working on an app that manages the config generation for your regens. I aim to make it cross-platform compatible (Linux/OSX/Win10). Also we teamed up with people from Zealand to improve and diversify our next facepack. Plus we have a better cleaning process, so we get rid of the "halo" most of the time completely.

We hope to release it soon, but it will still take some time. So stay tuned.

Looking forward to it....keep up the great work guys
15 years ago
11 hours ago
Simultaneously besides improving the generated faces, I am working on an app that manages the config generation for your regens. I aim to make it cross-platform compatible (Linux/OSX/Win10). Also we teamed up with people from Zealand to improve and diversify our next facepack. Plus we have a better cleaning process, so we get rid of the "halo" most of the time completely.

We hope to release it soon, but it will still take some time. So stay tuned.

Brilliant, release it at your pace mate, and thanks for the great work, really appreciated.
4 years ago
3 months ago
Simultaneously besides improving the generated faces, I am working on an app that manages the config generation for your regens. I aim to make it cross-platform compatible (Linux/OSX/Win10). Also we teamed up with people from Zealand to improve and diversify our next facepack. Plus we have a better cleaning process, so we get rid of the "halo" most of the time completely.

We hope to release it soon, but it will still take some time. So stay tuned.

Great job!
The halo isn't all that bad I actually find it useful so I know who a gen is... If not you have to look up his age and team history. Cause there is no way to tell from the faces if you have the facepack cutouts for everyone else.

I have access to the Python script that can assign face picks based upon ethnicity. Not sure if you want to look it over for ideas or anything since its cross platform. Even with just the 1800+ pics I am well satisfied as every gen gets one of them automatically. I'm not even that concerned the pics don't match ethnicity at this point. It's just so much better then the built in facegen it doesn't matter what it lacks.

New to FM but I was kind of shocked the FaceGen is so awful. I mean OOTPb (Out of the Park Baseball) a much smaller game and company have way better FaceGen in it's game. It's one of the rare things OOTPb beats FM in.
12 years ago
5 days ago
is here any aprox date when this could be finished or? @Maradonna
but i guess i can start my save now and just use it when its out..right?
17 years ago
5 days ago
I can't give any specific date for the release. The project is still well alive though.
13 years ago
1 month ago
Any news or update on this project, @Maradonna?
16 years ago
2 years ago
I'm late to this (I don't use facepacks much but I saw this on the sidebar). If still having issues with the "halo", you can flatten the images so they are on a white background rather than transparent, then there's a background removal tool that gives good results: https://www.remove.bg/windows-mac-linux
Top: original, bottom: processed through the remove.bg tool -

There may be a quicker way of flattening the image, but you can process them through the tool (download the app) to have a white background, then process the new files to have a transparent background, it just doubles the time having to process them twice. You can just put the whole folder in and leave it to work though - there may be limits on numbers, but I think it's only how many full size images you can do without paying. At 250x250 these wouldn't count as full size, and they come out at 250x250 too.
17 years ago
5 days ago
@murrayg We are aware of this site. Issue is the limit of images. We are working with ten-thousands of images. Its just to costly.

As I said the project is alive, there is currently an issue with processing the generated images with Photoshop. The other project members are working on it, but we are a bit short on time right now. I really want this to be released latest with FM21 Beta.
6 years ago
2 months ago

nice tool!
i was manually editing de config.xml to duplicate the faces names but keeping the id going up, until i notice that this thing does it for you
now i can add more faces over time and use this to keep the config updated

For now, the ethnicity issue has not bothered me, but obviously it would be a great addition to have it one day
Bob de Bobber
10 years ago
2 months ago
These guys did a similar thing for EHM. They seem to have a way to get a rid of the background as well. Maybe you could contact them and see if they could provide some help?
7 years ago
1 month ago
Hey guys,

I firstly want to say how billiant this is and how much it enhanced our FM games. Especially for someone like me who plays a lot of lower league saves.

I may be jumping the gun slightly but using free software I've managed to create 4 different age groups per regen,

Does anyone have any idea how this could be done automatically in game?

I have attached some photos below for reference:
7 years ago
1 month ago
Hey guys,

I firstly want to say how billiant this is and how much it enhanced our FM games. Especially for someone like me who plays a lot of lower league saves.

I may be jumping the gun slightly but using free software I've managed to create 4 different age groups per regen,

Does anyone have any idea how this could be done automatically in game?

I have attached some photos below for reference:
17 years ago
7 months ago
That would be the a great next step forward. May I ask what software did you use?
luca cesar
12 years ago
1 month ago
That would be the a great next step forward. May I ask what software did you use?

Would like to know too, even if we can't do it automatically i would love to do it manually to some regens
7 years ago
1 month ago
Hi guys, thanks for your response.

I literally just used a free app called FaceApp which is downloadable on App store.

It's not a great piece of kit but it's quick and effective, I used it to create the above faces and the one attached here also.

12 years ago
5 months ago
I'm late to this (I don't use facepacks much but I saw this on the sidebar). If still having issues with the "halo", you can flatten the images so they are on a white background rather than transparent, then there's a background removal tool that gives good results: https://www.remove.bg/windows-mac-linux
Top: original, bottom: processed through the remove.bg tool -

There may be a quicker way of flattening the image, but you can process them through the tool (download the app) to have a white background, then process the new files to have a transparent background, it just doubles the time having to process them twice. You can just put the whole folder in and leave it to work though - there may be limits on numbers, but I think it's only how many full size images you can do without paying. At 250x250 these wouldn't count as full size, and they come out at 250x250 too.

ALSO @Maradonna can I also suggest whatever program you use to cut these images, to check the mouth area, as the whites of the teeth get removed too and with a dark background these handsome nobodies look like players from the 70's haha

absolutely great work though my friend
10 years ago
1 week ago
Would it be possible to make this compatible with this script? If you could create a new batch of faces, we could make a collaborative effort to remove snow and sort by haircolor and skincolor

I already sorted @HRiddick's pack to the best of my abilities and I can confirm it's working with a custom set of images.

Here's the .zip for anyone interested:
4 years ago
3 months ago
Would it be possible to make this compatible with this script? If you could create a new batch of faces, we could make a collaborative effort to remove snow and sort by haircolor and skincolor

I already sorted @HRiddick's pack to the best of my abilities and I can confirm it's working with a custom set of images.

Here's the .zip for anyone interested:

If it's that python script that floats around then it should work fine. You would just have to sort the pics first into the folders.

I was going to use that script but I never wanted to sort all the faces. I just took the original upload of faces from post replicated to 14256 images and used a script to assign a random face to every single newgen forever.

It does get hair color and ethnicity wrong since the script I used doesn't count for that. I have python script just never wanted to sort the pics.

The python script def works though that's what all of the chilled moose followers use for those packs

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