Hi everyone, I'm italian so sorry in advance for my english

352 tactics has always been my FM obsession. I never actually managed to create a good 352 tactic in previous years, but this year I finally made it. I abandoned the high possession mantra which slowed down my team's football too much, to convert my tactics in a much fluent and fast football.
The main characteristic is the offensive production: not only the 2 men upfront can produce goals and keep the difense busy, but also they are supported by at least 3 more men everytime. Midfield density gives many pass options in every situation, and also creates spaces for the fullbacks to take advantage of (they score a lot too).
At the same time the midfield density prevent the 3 men defense to be uncovered as they can filter opponent's attacks. Defensively my fullbacks go back to create a 5 men line.
The 3 defenders are blocked behind and the marking option on CD prevent the defense to be too passive and stucked.
Please let me know what you think about it and try it!
14 years ago
2 years ago
use opposition Instructions?
10 years ago
11 months ago
use opposition Instructions?

I let them be settled by 2nd coach
4 years ago
4 years ago
opposition teams can exploit wings weakness there is no amr/amls
Zinedine Zaiddin
15 years ago
4 years ago
opposition teams can exploit wings weakness there is no amr/amls

I think WBs could handle it as long as they didn't left too much space behind

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