SS' Kits

We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.

  • 2,472
  • 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025
SS' Kits
NEW Submission System

A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.

1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 2014 or 2015/graphics/kits/put in here!

( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )

2. FM13 - click 'Preferences' 'Interface' unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times and click tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences' 'Reload Skin'.

3. FM14 - click 'Load Game' 'FM' 'Preferences' 'Interface' 'Clear Cache' tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' (if you first time) 'Reload Skin'


Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread or PM hammer9.
14 years ago
4 days ago
If you want all kits for all Serbian clubs in one single pack here is the link.
18 years ago
4 hours ago
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Fantastic work. Thanks
14 years ago
4 days ago
Thank you guys!Enjoy it...
14 years ago
4 days ago
I'm really sorry to all of you guys,there is some small mistake made in config. file,so just change config.file in "Nize Lige" folder with this one.Also,pack is fully re-uploaded.
14 years ago
4 days ago
One more kits added.Download full pack again,or just put these two in Nize Lige folder,and put this config file.
No Totti No Party
11 years ago
1 week ago
Great work dudes. I noticed alot of the lower teams will have different manufacturers between their kits so their home may be Legea but away Kappa lol this is common in Srbija?
14 years ago
4 days ago
All kits are authentic,so that's correct.Football in our country is on very poor level,to be honest.Football is mirror of our state in general,just mess and nothing else.For example,maybe you've noticed a lot of Legea kits with Lion Beer as sponsor.They get them in giveaway.Some clubs don't even have 2 kits,and some of them are using old club\nation kits from some other clubs from Serbia (my club Red Star had sent their kits to 15-20 lower clubs few years ago),but even from Austria,Switzerland,France...Without privatization of the clubs we'll stay on the same level.
12 years ago
8 months ago
All kits are authentic,so that's correct.Football in our country is on very poor level,to be honest.Football is mirror of our state in general,just mess and nothing else.For example,maybe you've noticed a lot of Legea kits with Lion Beer as sponsor.They get them in giveaway.Some clubs don't even have 2 kits,and some of them are using old club\nation kits from some other clubs from Serbia (my club Red Star had sent their kits to 15-20 lower clubs few years ago),but even from Austria,Switzerland,France...Without privatization of the clubs we'll stay on the same level.

Baja told the plain truth of our country and things could only take a turn for better with privatization in Football or Sport in general, we have many talented players as you can see (Semi -Final WC U20 in NZL, SRB - Mali 1:1 Extra Time, GO SERBIA )

14 years ago
4 days ago
Aloooo Srbine,ljubi te brat,pa bre cuka mi je stala bar 10x.Rekao sam drugaru sto igra u Partizanu da kaze Zivkovicu i Saponjicu da mi kupe caletu novi by pass!IDEMOOO DALJEEE!
No Totti No Party
11 years ago
1 week ago
Hah was only curious

Well done to Srbija 20's though Hope they can get the win over Brasil in the final
12 years ago
8 months ago
@ No Totti No Party thanks mate your support means a lot to us, we'll see on Saturday morning

@ Brat Baja joooj Buraz dobro sto sam tek kasnije upalio da gledam ja mislim da bih vrisnuo, Saponjicev gol kao melem na dusu, bravo za klince....mozes da kazes ortaku iz PFC da naruci dva komada odmah i za tvog Buraza
e dosao sam sada ranije sa posla da gledam nase klince U21 sa Nemcima, 1:1 je ok na poluvremenu, bravo coFi Djurke da gol, hajde da vidimo drugo poluvreme vlada cu i oni nesto da uspu
17 years ago
5 days ago
Aloooo Srbine,ljubi te brat,pa bre cuka mi je stala bar 10x.Rekao sam drugaru sto igra u Partizanu da kaze Zivkovicu i Saponjicu da mi kupe caletu novi by pass!IDEMOOO DALJEEE!

@ No Totti No Party thanks mate your support means a lot to us, we'll see on Saturday morning

@ Brat Baja joooj Buraz dobro sto sam tek kasnije upalio da gledam ja mislim da bih vrisnuo, Saponjicev gol kao melem na dusu, bravo za klince....mozes da kazes ortaku iz PFC da naruci dva komada odmah i za tvog Buraza
e dosao sam sada ranije sa posla da gledam nase klince U21 sa Nemcima, 1:1 je ok na poluvremenu, bravo coFi Djurke da gol, hajde da vidimo drugo poluvreme vlada cu i oni nesto da uspu

next time SPEAK ENGLISH!!

google tranlate

""Aloooo Serb, loves and brother, but hell falters we stopped at least 10x.Rekao pal what I play for Partizan that says Zivkovic and Šaponjić to buy me old man a new by-pass! Idemooo DALJEEE!""

""joooj Bro good that I later turned to look I think I screamed, Saponjicev goal as a balm to the soul, good for the kids .... you can say pal from PFC to order two pieces immediately and for your e Buraza I came far earlier from work to watch our kids U21 Germans, 1: 1 is ok to break, good COFI Djurke that goal, let's see the second half the government and I are something that RSEA""
14 years ago
4 days ago
Pack is update,more kits are added!
Deleted Account #517868
Links no longer work.
17 years ago
5 days ago
Deleted Account #517868
Would like 14/15 please.

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