15 years ago
7 minutes ago
There has been an update to the game and the Official Pre Game Editor today

lets hope the bugs have been addressed allowing verification of advanced rules etc
15 years ago
7 minutes ago
as usual no info from SI as to waht is in the update and if anything has been fixed

a quick check after updating
tried some editing in advanced rules and saved
tried to verify and the same errors show..... so no fix it is then🆒
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
43 minutes ago
I found the patch notes in Steam -> FM 21 -> Community...
It states that the verification issues in pre-game editor have been tackled, but Steam users have replied that things still don't work the way they should. (Sigh)
15 years ago
7 minutes ago
I found the patch notes in Steam -> FM 21 -> Community...
It states that the verification issues in pre-game editor have been tackled, but Steam users have replied that things still don't work the way they should. (Sigh)
15 years ago
7 minutes ago
18 years ago
3 days ago
Still hasn't fixed staff and managers for U23 and U18 not showing in list...
15 years ago
7 minutes ago
Its dreadful isnt it
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
1 hour ago
SI are a shambles, rushing half finished products out, hoping they will be improved and fixed by the community.
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
43 minutes ago
Did they do any testing at all after "fixing" things..?

I feel like each year I have less and less time to actually enjoy the game.
Beta stage is just a peek preview. When the game is officially out I try to edit what I can and wait for the most crucial community mods and files before starting my main save. This year, I'm still waiting. 😢
15 years ago
7 minutes ago
Did they do any testing at all after "fixing" things..?

I feel like each year I have less and less time to actually enjoy the game.
Beta stage is just a peek preview. When the game is officially out I try to edit what I can and wait for the most crucial community mods and files before starting my main save. This year, I'm still waiting. 😢

My take
They dont test correctly or very little
The staff involved in the editor development (dont think there are many)are not as good as they should be
SI dont really care about the editor

The later is my only possible explanation as I have engaged with SI for many years but its the same situation year in and year out and with many known/reported bugs going back years not being fixed

The staff dealing with the editor are really nice and knowledgeable so the issue is with SI no doubt it isnt a priority and never has been

The bottom line is there are many people who are excellent with the inner workings of the editor who have offered to Beta test the product before it is released....SI are not interested

This sums it up for me - lets take the IGE
FMRTE at last count have sooooooooooooooo many extra features than the official SI IGE ...enough said really

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