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Ah thanks, will try that skin.
Weirdly, that all says to change to 21.2.0, but my version says it’s 21.2.1 (?). Should I try with that?
Paul Biggin
Mine has just updated to 21.2.1 and all graphics are still there. It just took the usual long time to load on the first time (when you select the different skin) but I didn't change the skin. It just knew that it had to refresh all the graphics on the update.
Bielsa is a legend
my pc touch save is alredy .fmv, do i just move across in itunes-does it go in games folder
I don’t know why that would be the case but yes if it’s already fmv you don’t need to change it. Make a games folder on your desktop and put that file in there. Go into iTunes file sharing and delete the games folder in your game (back up any saves you want kept first) and then move your games folder over using iTunes.
1. It is taking 4 hours to reload skin with 20gb logos on my ipad pro
2. When the skin finally loaded the left panel was blank. I am playing as Manchester United so the left panel where you have schedule and tactics etc is missing and it is just a plain red panel with a battery indicator in the corner. Any help is appreciated because it is taking hours and hours to get going. Thank you.
Bielsa is a legend
Has anybody got the saved game from PC touch to work on IPad, the league expansion, I still only get max 3 on iPad Pro
Bielsa is a legend
Yes me. Works flawlessly for me every time. Just rename the file from .fmt to .fmv and then copy over to iPad using iTunes. Let me know what problems you’re having and I’ll help you.
Hello bbuullddoogg,
Do you have a FM Touch 2021 PC. Could you help me to create an save file?
I'm playing Touch iOS.
Bielsa is a legend
Cheers, managed to get it to work, 3rd time lucky
Has anybody found a light skin yet with no purple?
Matt Paine
Bielsa is a legend
The whole game is shoddy
I keep getting #team1 and #team2 in my post match reports
I would be ashamed to put my name to this version, at least the PC version is able to be modded by far more talented programmers than those who work for SI
If you are seeing #team2 it’s because you’re using more than 3 countries on iOS version
Bielsa is a legend
So this screws up the post match screen, I’m using 12 countries, 38 leagues after using .Fmv mod
The game isn’t supposed to have more than 3 countries. So if you find a way around that and play with more and it causes this error, that’s not SI’s fault. You’re playing the game in a way it wasn’t intended to be played.
Bielsa is a legend
Appreciate that, but there are so many other flaws, not a well spent 20 quid, game gets worse each year
Matt Paine
Any thoughts that the lack of newgen faces is related to the multi-league mod, which I’m using too? I can’t see why that would be.
What is the consensus? Is this something that has been snuck out of the game, or a problem with my set up?
Bielsa is a legend
Probably yet another thing they haven’t spent money on developing. The PC version has but not touch from what I can see
FYI, I didn't need to remove the graphics already in iTunes.
I have three folders uploaded in iTunes:
That way, should I wish to add more Faces or Kits, I don't need to touch the logos as I installed the logo megapack.
I won't download the megapack for Faces as it's far too big, but should any smaller packs become available, I will download, just like the Premier League one I found.
On another note, if someone can please DM the Man Utd logo for the game, that would be hugely appreciated.
Bielsa is a legend
they are same as on here, for main game
Hi All,
Are there some updated links for FMTouch 21 on iOS?
I can get the skin and logos to work fine but wondered if there was any updated facepacks that can be added etc? Any links to other packs would be great too. - Or do we just use the uploaded faces to this site? Which are far too big for my iPad.
chris mitchell
Someone please help ….How do you add logo and kit packs to fm touch 21 on iOS ?? I’ve tried the ways already stated however even after 24 hours the circle is still spinning on the loading screen
Bielsa is a legend
That means you are adding too many GB or iPad is not capable
i added 68mb, it took 2 hours on 12” iPad Pro
Jesus Loves You
Does anyone know How To get logos and kits for FM23 Apple Arcade for IPad?