
My realistic flag pack for Football Manager updated this year to show the flag next to players face instead of the federation logo.

If you do not want to see a flag next to the players nationality and want to see the football association logo from the metallic logo pack instead then just delete the nations folder within the flag pack and it will revert back to previous format

Installation Instructions:
For the best in game experience I recommend you first download and install the metallic logo pack, then simply replace the flags folder in there with mine. However if for some reason you don't want to use the metallic logo pack then simply download and extract my flags folder and paste it in the following location:
My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20xx\Graphics\Logos\Flags
Then open Football Manager >> FM Preferences >> Interface:
UNTICK "Use caching to decrease page loading times"
TICK "Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences"
Finally click Confirm and once reloaded the flags will now show in game.
Change Log:
Added a new set of flags and config to be used as Nation's icon next to player's face and at top of each country's page.
Fixed an error with UIDs for Singh Indian and SEA Chinese flags
Re-rendered all flags with a better texture.
Simplified structure to use less subfolders.
Added a Medium size for all flags.
Changed image names from FIFA country code to in game ID number.
Added Missing Flags for:
- Borneo Malay
- Burma
- Ireland (Pre 1922)
- Kosovo
- Micronesia
- Netherlands Antilles
- New Caledonia
- Saint Barthelemy
- SEA Chinese
- Singh Indian
- Tamil Indian
- United Arab Republic
- West Malay
- Martinique
- Mauritania
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The Marinho
Let me have a play about see what I can do for you
The Marinho
I mean the Flags with less "waves" or less folded. That was what I meant with light version 😀
Sorry for the confusion ^^
Oh right, hahaha - Let me see if I can create something with a less ruffled texture, but it took me a long time to find a texture that worked well when I started making this pack, so I can't make any promises
I prefer them to the metallic ones.
Thanks for the feedback man! Appreciated
Sulivan Got
Thansk man, yeah back into FM myself after a 7 year break with my kids coming along - game has come a long way!
Bonjour, je suis désolé mais ce ne sont pas pour FM Mobile