SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
France - Ligue 2 & National 1-3 SS'2020/21 by zabat38 New! (06/21/20)
1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 20##/graphics/kits/put in here!
( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )
2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.
THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.
Enjoy 🙂
Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread or PM hammer9.
Or if kits not showing or not add third kit..please go to this thread -
Any problem - please go to this thread - SSKCC Thread for FM20 or SSKCC Thread for FM21 or PM hammer9.
1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 20##/graphics/kits/put in here!
( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )
2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.
THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.
Enjoy 🙂
Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread or PM hammer9.
Or if kits not showing or not add third kit..please go to this thread -
Any problem - please go to this thread - SSKCC Thread for FM20 or SSKCC Thread for FM21 or PM hammer9.
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Grenoble third kit 20/21
(updated - Added Caen and Grenoble third kits and SSKCC ready)
Ce n’est peut être pas l’endroit, mais j’ai voulu intégrer votre SS kits l2 et National, mais les kits de orleans n’apparaissent pas.
Quand je regarde avec l’éditor il n’y a pas les maillots domicile ou extérieur
Comment les rajouter svp.
Merci beaucoup,
next time speak english thanks.
"Hello This may not be the place, but I wanted to integrate your SS kits l2 and National, but the orleans kits do not appear. When I look with the editor there are no home or away shirts. How to add them please. Cordially thank you very much"
SSKCC for FM21 fixed already...but i can see you playing for FM20 thats im not doing SSKCC for FM20 tho...but ill fix just for you. ok
here SSKCC for FM20 for you -
english " Hello I am unable to download the file. Once download archive folder refuses to open"
you need upgrade winrar. 🙂
( vous devez mettre à jour winrar. 🙂 )
julien CvC
Some Away kits are not working in National3. For exemple SC lyon kits are working well, but for Thonon Evian only the home jersey is working.
I tried with France 20-21 150121.fmf too.
in the editor the field for away jersey doesnt exist
some away kits are missing thats why...see this i asked for. -
julien CvC
Thanks Hammer.
But in this case (Thonon) the away kit design exist, it's in the folder with other teams kits, but the field in the editor doesn't exist so the link to the kit is not active. If I well understood your point, if not, sorry.
Any update on this please? Some of the kits are still missing from the pack itself and not due to any config issues 😢
i have checked all packs with SSKCC was working fine also some missing kits need help with pictures if anyone can?
here missing kits are..
Concarneau away
Granvillaise away
Vannes away
Belfort away
Epinal away
Paris 13 away
Jora Sud away
Stade Montois away
Hello everybody ! It's possible to make Chateauroux third kit plz ?
Hey guys,
These kits were great last year despite some of the ID issues which meant that some did not show up (similar issue in FM22 too). I just wondered if there is likely to be a similar kit pack this year? Would be happy to help fill in any blanks when compiling reference material.