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Bielsa is a legend
I have started this thread as an area to discuss alternative games ‘ options to FM franchise.
my personal opinion is that back in the 90s when the CM/FM franchise began, there were several alternatives such as;
football director
ultimate soccer manager
fifa manager
amongst many others.
over time the competition has fallen away, is this due to recognition of FM being the best of the best, or have the smaller coders ‘ companies not got the funds for licenses etc?
overtime FM has become more of an updated database with the odd gimmick, this years being the emotion gestures-what’s that about?. The graphics have not moved on, and are very much dependent on the talented modders in the community such as Bolid, Flut, Rabcp amongst many others than enhance the basic game to be more realistic and playable.
have SI given up, being happy to take our money each year knowing there is no competition?
I would be interested to hear others views on this.
are there any realistic alternatives, by this I mean with real player names, league structures etc. The database names are not owned by SI, they are public domain, as are league and team names.
Football Director on the C64, memories indeed.
Bielsa is a legend
Sensible World of Soccer 2021 amybody?
I spent hours playing Sensible Soccer on the Mega Drive and then on PC. I have moved on to Macs now, I wish Sensible World of Soccer '20 (or similar) was available for OSX…
Bielsa is a legend
that link is for windows, works perfectly with xbox controller, current teams and players
Cheers for the reply. Do you know the minimum specs required for this game to work on PC, please? I might resurrect my old PC just to play this if the specs are not too demanding…
Bielsa is a legend
not sure mate, there is also a link to an amiga emulator version on site below