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ben dowding
so ive recently moved to Mac, I had a previous logo pack stored on a usb drive and have installed in the correct file on my Mac and every single logo has loaded in as normal apart from the man united logo. the logo is included in the pack as I've used it for the previous few years but I can't figure out how to get man uniteds logo to work. any help please guys? wouldn't be a huge problem but my save is with man united haha
Bielsa is a legend
Look on it as divine intervention, move onto a more deserving club
ben dowding
haha yes the thought crossed my mind but fm allows you to right all the wrongs lol. but if that logo is missing it will annoy me 🤣
Bielsa is a legend
Just download one of the packs on here
ben dowding
so they haven't stopped us being able to edit man united? its just strange that they were the only club without their crest after the whole legal battle last year