YACS for Football Manager 2020
Version 0.4.0 - Updated: 26.11.2019
With DF11 facepack

Box transparency and the Background Selector i removed from the base skin this year.
For this i added a second version of the skin. Select "YACS T" as skin if you want Transparency etc.
More Screenhots: Gallery
Mediafire Download Link: CLICK
Please delete any old version of YACS if you want to update the skin.
Extra: No Attribute Boxes ( REQUIRES the base YACS skin )

Extra: 2015 YACS Star Ratings

Many many thanks to Bossland over on the SI forums for allowing the skin to be shared here, if you have any questions please ask him HERE
Version 0.4.0 - Updated: 26.11.2019
With DF11 facepack

Box transparency and the Background Selector i removed from the base skin this year.
For this i added a second version of the skin. Select "YACS T" as skin if you want Transparency etc.
More Screenhots: Gallery
Mediafire Download Link: CLICK
Please delete any old version of YACS if you want to update the skin.
Extra: No Attribute Boxes ( REQUIRES the base YACS skin )

Extra: 2015 YACS Star Ratings

Many many thanks to Bossland over on the SI forums for allowing the skin to be shared here, if you have any questions please ask him HERE
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Plenty of adjustments and smaller changes around the skin and a few smaller fixes.
Please delete any old version of YACS if you want to update the skin. Merging versions can / will bug the skin.
Also a new Extra, might update this and add a few more panels in the future:
Extra: Field Player Pictures - Updated: 30.11.2019
Adds Player Pictures to tactics and a few other panels.
This has been my favourite skin to the point I can't play FM21 without it.. please tell me it's coming for 21?! Where is it?!
The font is very bad
Julien Barrere
@VP. Do you know if this is available for FM21, and if not is it expected for FM21?
Sadly there isn't mate.