18 years ago
28 minutes ago

We've launched a prediction league for the upcoming European Championships and Copa America


All you need to do is login and submit your predicted scoreline for each result. You'll earn 3 points for predicting the exact scoreline and 1 point for predicting the correct result.


You can choose to take part in just the Euros or just the Copa America if you wish, we'll have seperate league tables available for both as well as a combined league table.


We're hoping to organise some prizes for winners but right now we don't have any lined up. I'll report back on that soon, but if you run a company, or know someone that does, which might have some suitable prizes to offer, please get in touch!

15 years ago
3 hours ago
By Footygamer 02 June 2021 - 02:59 AM UTC 

We've launched a prediction league for the upcoming European Championships and Copa America


All you need to do is login and submit your predicted scoreline for each result. You'll earn 3 points for predicting the exact scoreline and 1 point for predicting the correct result.


You can choose to take part in just the Euros or just the Copa America if you wish, we'll have seperate league tables available for both as well as a combined league table.


We're hoping to organise some prizes for winners but right now we don't have any lined up. I'll report back on that soon, but if you run a company, or know someone that does, which might have some suitable prizes to offer, please get in touch!


Great idea and hope someone gets on board with a prize or 2


couple of questions can you edit your initial forecast? and there is a cut off time to submit your predictions as once the game/s have started then noone can change their initial submission during a game …not that anyone would of course😉

18 years ago
28 minutes ago

Yeah just give it a go you should be able to see that you can make as many changes as you like, right up until the start of the match.


It might be good to wait until the teams are announced rather than the minute the match starts but I think that may be difficult to do. Even if we try it will get on twitter a few minutes before the app has the chance to update.

15 years ago
3 hours ago
By Footygamer 02 June 2021 - 03:32 AM UTC 

Yeah just give it a go you should be able to see that you can make as many changes as you like, right up until the start of the match.


It might be good to wait until the teams are announced rather than the minute the match starts but I think that may be difficult to do. Even if we try it will get on twitter a few minutes before the app has the chance to update.



it will be hard for us to do as we will be in bed when most of these group EURO games are on………that isnt a proposal by the way 😀

18 years ago
28 minutes ago

444 participants so far 😍

4 years ago
3 months ago

Attempting the Euro predictions but part of me wants to attempt the Copa America as well. I personally don't know enough about the competition or the national sides to make an informed prediction. Is there an app we can use to see who's been called up by the countries who qualified?

18 years ago
28 minutes ago

First batch of prizes have been announced, we're still working on some more!


First Prize

  • A free surprise football shirt delivered by you'll get one brand new football shirt (with tags) from any club or nation around the world. You don't get to choose, the shirt is a surprise, but is usually from the last 10 years. You can see what others have received on their Twitter (RRP 34.99)
  • Free FM22 Steam Code redeemable as soon as Pre Order is available (Estimated RRP £39.99)
  • Lifetime Premium Membership at (RRP £10 per year)
  • 12 month license for Footbe betting tips and predictions app (RRP $59.99)
  • 1 free license for FM Real Time Editor (RRP €4.49)
  • 1 free license for FM 3D Kit Editor (RRP €3.79)
  • 1 month free subscription to The Athletic (RRP $7.99) *Credit Card required to activate subscription


Second Prize

  • Free FM22 Steam Code redeemable as soon as Pre Order is available (Estimated RRP £39.99)
  • Lifetime Premium Membership at (RRP £10 per year)
  • 6 month license for Footbe betting tips and predictions app (RRP $44.99)
  • 1 free license for FM Real Time Editor (RRP €4.49)
  • 1 free license for FM 3D Kit Editor (RRP €3.79)
  • 1 month free subscription to The Athletic (RRP $7.99) *Credit Card required to activate subscription


Third Prize

Ashish DB
4 years ago
10 months ago

So… I've submitted the predictions. Now what? Wait?

5 years ago
1 year ago

Is there a button to press to submit your predictions? I have entered them all but dont want to navigate away from the page incase i lose them?

15 years ago
3 hours ago
By Ashish DB 08 June 2021 - 07:38 AM UTC 

So… I've submitted the predictions. Now what? Wait?


The games haven't been played yet

Ashish DB
4 years ago
10 months ago
By kingrobbo 08 June 2021 - 09:05 AM UTC 

The games haven't been played yet


I'm aware of that 😀 I meant, is there anything to do in here, in the site…

15 years ago
3 hours ago

No you've submitted your prediction

You can either stick with them or update them nearer the time if you wish

5 years ago
1 year ago
By Ashish DB 08 June 2021 - 09:07 AM UTC 

I'm aware of that 😀 I meant, is there anything to do in here, in the site…


Ash, is there a button to submit your predictions, or can I just leave the page and they are saved?


Ashish DB
4 years ago
10 months ago
By Kevjack77 08 June 2021 - 09:34 AM UTC 

Ash, is there a button to submit your predictions, or can I just leave the page and they are saved?


The page instantly jumped to this forum here after I completed my prediction. I'm guessing that they're saved automatically. No idea how to review them though.


EDIT: All you need to do is revisit this page: Soccer Prediction League (

5 years ago
1 year ago
By Ashish DB 08 June 2021 - 09:36 AM UTC 

The page instantly jumped to this forum here after I completed my prediction. I'm guessing that they're saved automatically. No idea how to review them though.


EDIT: All you need to do is revisit this page: Soccer Prediction League (



6 years ago
7 hours ago

This is cool! Thanks for organising!

18 years ago
28 minutes ago
By Ashish DB 08 June 2021 - 09:36 AM UTC 

The page instantly jumped to this forum here after I completed my prediction. I'm guessing that they're saved automatically. No idea how to review them though.


EDIT: All you need to do is revisit this page: Soccer Prediction League (


Can you explain what you mean by the page instantly jumping here? That sounds like a bug but I can't figure out exactly what you mean.

11 years ago
3 years ago

Thanks for this..

Ashish DB
4 years ago
10 months ago
By Footygamer 08 June 2021 - 23:23 PM UTC 

Can you explain what you mean by the page instantly jumping here? That sounds like a bug but I can't figure out exactly what you mean.


Well, I don't know if it is a bug per se, but I filtered the predictions by "pending", and once I updated them, the page suddenly refreshed and brought me to this forum.


A bug that I did notice is that some “draw” predictions (both zero and non-zero draws) were listed under “pending”. 


UPDATE: This only seems to happen when first filling the predictions; I'm able to change predictions to draws without any error now.

18 years ago
28 minutes ago

@Ashish DB are you sure you didn't somehow click the link to “Prize List” ? That's the only thing I can imagine.

I haven't been able to recreate the “can't save draws” bug either.


If anyone else is having an issue and can report with more detail that would be really helpful!

\'Appy \'Ammer
17 years ago
7 hours ago

I've gone through the fixtures and predicted each match score, but how do I submit my entry? I'm viewing this on my mobile maybe it's different to using a pc. I don't want to lose all my hard work! 

4 years ago
2 years ago

Good luck everyone!

18 years ago
28 minutes ago

We now have 2000 people competing 😲

9 years ago
6 days ago

goodluck lads!

6 years ago
1 year ago

Good Luck people(but not too much lol) 

5 years ago
1 year ago
By Kevjack77 08 June 2021 - 07:53 AM UTC 

Is there a button to press to submit your predictions? I have entered them all but dont want to navigate away from the page incase i lose them?

same for me… what did you do?



15 years ago
3 hours ago
By Conn 10 June 2021 - 15:00 PM UTC 

same for me… what did you do?


Just leave the page that's all I did

14 years ago
4 hours ago

Not a massive problem but I've noticed the ko times are an hour earlier than they should be.

10 years ago
2 days ago

That's fantastic! I'm a spanish fan of sortioutsi since 3 years or so (I am not sure how much…) and only say programming web for predictions is a very good job. The best I've ever seen before. Thanks a million for organize it and do it as brilliant as you did!!!


Just one thing more: Sorry but I have to say I'm afraid I will be the champion of prediction league HAHAHAHAHAAAAA Thanks for participating!!! 

Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
2 hours ago

Tragic events in Denmark game, praying he pulls through

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