I play the legends DB, would any of you superstars be able to create the old AC Milan kits from van basten era please? Ive got the home and away pics, but could you do a fantasy third as well in chelsea blue please with the same white sponsor?? thanks in advance.
I play the legends DB, would any of you superstars be able to create the old AC Milan kits from van basten era please? Ive got the home and away pics, but could you do a fantasy third as well in chelsea blue please with the same white sponsor?? thanks in advance.
AC Milan 1989-90 HomeAC Milan 1989-90 AwayAC Milan 1992-93 HomeAC Milan 1992-93 Away
Here you go mate, 2 lots of kits from the Golden Age of Milan!
If you want a fantasy kit doing, probably best asking for it in the Fantasy Kit Forum 👍
Liverpool FC 1990s