I. Introducing
Skin based on my old skin for Football Manager 2018 (C) Nocturno 18.1.0
II. Redistribution Terms
You are generally free to re-use, translate or host/link to my content without having to ask for permission provided you follow the below rules:
1. They are not sold or behind a paywall.
2. You don't advertise them as being exclusive to your website.
3. My username (El Comandante Qwas)
III. Install
Download and extract the .rar/.zip file. Place the "Nocturno Nature 21_1" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Start FM21 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see Nocturno Nature 21_1 as an option in the skin drop down of the overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.
Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
IV. Credits and thansk
In the preparation of this skin, I used xml & gfx files as well as ideas of various skinmakers. Therefore I would like to thank them and credit their work and creativity.
michaeltmurrayuk (http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk)
Pikawa (CFM Skin FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/848611778615177/?ref=bookmarks)
Gunzo & Fm Nation (https://www.fmnation.net/)
FMWKDSOUL (https://fmwkdsoul.wordpress.com/)
Ivan aka bossland (author of YACS skin)
Flut skin makers (author of FM FLUT skin)
bluestillidie00 (author of TCS 2021 skin)
Krysler76 (author of Heffem Skin)
Tracisloo (author of TangFu FM21 Skin)
OPZ (author of OPZ Elite skin)
Also, I would like to thank a31632 for his very helpful coding discussions on SI Games forum.
V. Technical note
This skin was made to work properly in +/- 1600x900 full screen mode. Some panels won’t work properly in lower resolutions. Personally, I use Window mode and 95% option.
Hi-res: I guess this skin will work quite well but I`m not 100% sure.
Finally, I`m not the programmer only FM fan and user. Therefore I can`t fix personal preferences and cravings. I will try to fix any problems/issues that allow you to continue the game.
Enjoy it!
Skin based on my old skin for Football Manager 2018 (C) Nocturno 18.1.0
II. Redistribution Terms
You are generally free to re-use, translate or host/link to my content without having to ask for permission provided you follow the below rules:
1. They are not sold or behind a paywall.
2. You don't advertise them as being exclusive to your website.
3. My username (El Comandante Qwas)
III. Install
Download and extract the .rar/.zip file. Place the "Nocturno Nature 21_1" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Start FM21 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see Nocturno Nature 21_1 as an option in the skin drop down of the overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.
Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
IV. Credits and thansk
In the preparation of this skin, I used xml & gfx files as well as ideas of various skinmakers. Therefore I would like to thank them and credit their work and creativity.
michaeltmurrayuk (http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk)
Pikawa (CFM Skin FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/848611778615177/?ref=bookmarks)
Gunzo & Fm Nation (https://www.fmnation.net/)
FMWKDSOUL (https://fmwkdsoul.wordpress.com/)
Ivan aka bossland (author of YACS skin)
Flut skin makers (author of FM FLUT skin)
bluestillidie00 (author of TCS 2021 skin)
Krysler76 (author of Heffem Skin)
Tracisloo (author of TangFu FM21 Skin)
OPZ (author of OPZ Elite skin)
Also, I would like to thank a31632 for his very helpful coding discussions on SI Games forum.
V. Technical note
This skin was made to work properly in +/- 1600x900 full screen mode. Some panels won’t work properly in lower resolutions. Personally, I use Window mode and 95% option.
Hi-res: I guess this skin will work quite well but I`m not 100% sure.
Finally, I`m not the programmer only FM fan and user. Therefore I can`t fix personal preferences and cravings. I will try to fix any problems/issues that allow you to continue the game.
Enjoy it!
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There is a small problem here
How to move the avatar on the tactical board to the right?
The head covers the number on the shirt
thank you
Patrice Vijnck
Patrice Vijnck
same problem :( but thxxxx
Mate, write to yanzhihh928. He got from me solution.
i have sent file to you in the message
I like the skin very much. Though I have got the same issue as above.
Could you send me the message too?
Thx in advance!
i have sent file to you in the message
I am missing the file…sorry
i have sent it to you in message again
file is here
thx a lot, mate!!1
Hello, how to change the colors of the boxes colored attributes?
Hello, can you add a version without Ca PA in the next version?thankyou
How can i see the PA??
just show me the CA …
I've discovered a couple of issues with transparency on Player Instructions on tactics screen, and Analytical Data on match screen (see screenshots below). This might be a resolution issue as I'm on 1440 x 900.
good, in the player profile, as I could change the box of attribute numbers, only to numbers, thank you.
Karlos Sousa
the only problem that I have found is that the analysis is covered to the players, otherwise I love the skin. Thanks for ur job!
Hello, I found an problem, If i use the skin nocturno-nature then i see bar with continue not.
I get this problem at matchday in the time out when you have to talk to your team. This screen is from the matchday 😉 .
Is there someone who know's how to fix this ?
Benjamin Varga
I have the same problem.
And allso, during match in match stats window I see only home team stats. Like the box is too thin.
Help someone, because the skin is great.
Will you update this skin? It's been so long
@Benjamin varga , I fixed it.
hy, there, thanks for making incredible skins, sorry if I converted your skin to fm touch, and I really like it, especially in some parts of the panel, I have problems adding some Of code in the profile manager panel, I like this panel because it has different styles, but I don't find the manager appearance button around the photo manager, do you mind or can you help me how can i add button code to open interface manager appearance?
Do you mean for FM22 ? Or to update the skin version for FM21 ? I modified the skin for fm22…
Hi bro, could you tell me how you fix the problems which @Benjamin varga tell in his comment?
Thank you very much
Is this Nocturno the skin you modified?
Can you share it?
Yes i can share it. There is only for now one bug in it:
The bug is that the reject button is not in the skin. As well at the transfer period as well at during transfers offers and talking to the press.
I'm still fixing it so it work's perfect.
Can you send a mediafire download address? thank you very much
Hi, I am still playing FM 2021 nad I am using this skin, but I want to change attributes background color. Where I can change this red background https://imgur.com/J2T2LBE
I tried changing the RGB value in "nocturno nature settings XML" file but nothing changed after reloading the skin
Thanks in advance