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Bielsa is a legend
Morning all, I’m about 10 games in and I can’t see anything in my data hub, I use the excellent Flut skin, and have eliminated this as not being the issue.
I thought perhaps it was my staff responsibilities, but all jobs seem to be filled, all I do is pick the team, finalise transfers and do pressers.
I also don’t seem to be able to attend staff meetings, all I get is the info to my inbox
playing as Leeds in EPL, with latest patch
any clues guys? Or similar issues
all help appreciated.
Tommy Hughes
The same happens to me. I'm also using Flutskin (Beta2 Version.)
Cannot open Data Hub or attend staff meetings.
I have some files in the \editor data\ folder now, but the issue appeared in Beta stage of the game, when I had nothing placed yet in the forementioned folder.
Bielsa is a legend
I fixed it by deleting and reloading the skin, the japanese alt stopped it working, all fixed now