15 years ago
10 hours ago

I am looking to set up a project where legends are added to the game as new Regens. The plan is to get users on board to divide up various nations and add a country's icons/legends/great players from their history. It is with great thanks to John Warrington who has produced some superb detailed work on similar projects that gave me the idea to start a legends file.


I plan to explain how to create the file and how to use it in game so that in future some of the regens coming through will by ex legends etc


just imagine some future regens coming through into the DB-



Bernard Voorhoof 
Eric Gerets
Vincenzo Scifo
Jan Ceulemans
Paul Van Himst



Mario  Kempes 

Diego Maradona

Gabriel  Batistuta
Omar  Sívori




Arthur Antunes Coimbra Zico  
Brasileiro Sampaio  Sócrates
Jair Ventura Jairzinho
Marcos Evangelista de Morais Cafu
Carlos  Alberto
Edson Arantes do Nascimento Pelé
Roberto  Rivelino
Waldyr Pereira Didi
Manuel Francisco dos Santos Garrincha
Josè  Altafini
Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima
Romario de Souza Faria



Kevin  Keegan
Robert Charlton
Bryan  Robson
Stanley  Matthews
Steve  Bloomer
Duncan  Edwards 
Gordon  Banks
Bobby Moore
Jimmy Greaves



Ian  Rush  
Kevin Radcliffe
Alan  Durban
Mike England
Alan  Curtis
John   Charles
Billy  Meredith
Neville  Southall



Jimmy  Johnstone  
Fergus  Suter
Jim  Baxter
Billy  McNeill
Jimmy  Love
Denis  Law
Charlie  Nicholas
Willie  Miller
David Mackay
Kenny liam  Dalglish
Gordon McQueen
Martin McLean Buchan

Alan Hansen



The regens can be allocated the following positions:




They can be given cities of birth/favourite clubs etc etc



But this needs to be a community driven project without users getting on board it wont happen


so if you want to see this happen put your name forward and grab a country/countries you would like to add to this 


I am going to do Wales/Scotland/Germany to start with sure there will be plenty of interest in the big nations so users with interest/knowledge of the smaller countries would be great 


NB This is just to add legends etc from by gone eras not to add current players coming through as young players again into the DB


IMO the' legend' regens would have to be staggered coming through as you dont want them all at the same time- so years of birth starting at say 2004/5/6/7/8/9/ 2010/11/12 etc etc 


 and a cap on CA/PA would have to be set too as its pointless having lots of regens with massively high CA/PA[this can be an issue on the S.I. side as it is] perhaps some can be blank and let game generate the numbers?


At this stage I am beta testing the concept and just want to see what interest there is and who is prepared to assist I do not expect anyone to do anything immediately.




Thread closed I will just crack on with this myself now





15 years ago
10 hours ago

If you want some ideas who should be added in the editor look under the nations famous players


what I would suggest is then google the player to find their full details

  eg Zbigniew Boniek D.O.B. 3 March 1956 Bydgoszcz Widzew Łódź


For this project his D.O.B. would be  3/3/2006 born in Bydgoszcz Fav club Widzew Łódź- so when this regen is generated he will be Polish and either start at Widzew Łódź or be likely to play there eventually



10 years ago
1 week ago

This is just to add their names to upcoming regens, not as individual players, right? And are players who are already in the database allowed (e.g Solskjær)?


I can help out with Norwegian players if you want. 

15 years ago
10 hours ago
By krissmed 20 May 2021 - 20:37 PM UTC 

This is just to add their names to upcoming regens, not as individual players, right? And are players who are already in the database allowed (e.g Solskjær)?


I can help out with Norwegian players if you want. 


this would create a regen name file - but not just names as we should be able to add more details than just names as shown above so you can outline eg Solskaer is a striker born in Kristiansund etc


re Ole this is open to debate he is in the DB but not as a player so I can see the merit in adding him as he is an icon/legend for sure


its a tricky one as I was initially looking at people not in the DB[or were very old and just token directors at a club or set as a retired person]  at all but open to suggestions and debate on this

10 years ago
1 week ago
By kingrobbo 20 May 2021 - 20:59 PM UTC 

this would create a regen name file - but not just names as we should be able to add more details than just names as shown above so you can outline eg Solskaer is a striker born in Kristiansund etc


re Ole this is open to debate he is in the DB but not as a player so I can see the merit in adding him as he is an icon/legend for sure


its a tricky one as I was initially looking at people not in the DB[or were very old and just token directors at a club or set as a retired person]  at all but open to suggestions and debate on this


Looking at the list in the editor, a lot of them are in the game as staff, so if I were to only add non-staff it would end up being 2-3 players. Maybe we should extend it to club legends as well, either starting in the club where they have legend status or their original team? It would drastically extend the scope of players.


And I'm not too familiar with CA/PA, as I try to actively stay away from them. Is it OK if I leave them empty and let the game sort that out?

15 years ago
10 hours ago
By krissmed 20 May 2021 - 21:41 PM UTC 

Looking at the list in the editor, a lot of them are in the game as staff, so if I were to only add non-staff it would end up being 2-3 players. Maybe we should extend it to club legends as well, either starting in the club where they have legend status or their original team? It would drastically extend the scope of players.


And I'm not too familiar with CA/PA, as I try to actively stay away from them. Is it OK if I leave them empty and let the game sort that out?

yes IMO but  just to be sure we are on the same page this is using notepad/text editing and not using the pre game editor at all




15 years ago
10 hours ago

Here is Boniek as a regen[note I changed his D.O.B. to 2004 so he shows in game for first regen intake if kept to 2006 he wouldnt appear for a couple of seasons]


Here is another ‘test regen’


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Kelvin" "" "Wilson" "03/09/2004" "765" "" "9" "7" "3" "186" "76" "2" "DEFENDER_RIGHT_SIDE" "" "Nottingham" "120" "155" "693"

shows how this is working correctly he was set to start at club ID 693 Notts County and he did before going to Brentford👍


15 years ago
10 hours ago

Zico returns[strangely enough born on same day as Boniek!!]


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Arthur Antunes" "Zico" "Coimbra" "03/03/2004" "1651" "322" "1" "6" "2" "172" "70" "2" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "10" "Rio de Janeiro" "135" "182" "322"

15 years ago
10 hours ago
4 years ago
24 minutes ago

Does this have to be on new saves or can it be on current ones? 

15 years ago
10 hours ago
4 years ago
24 minutes ago

How do you find the players favourite clubs? 

15 years ago
10 hours ago

dont know what you are actually asking here-the club's ID?

10 years ago
1 week ago

@kingrobbo A couple of questions:

  • What do the numbers mean in ethnicity, skin/hair color, and preferred foot?
  • Should the CLUB ID be the same as the FAVORITE CLUB?
  • How is the CA/PA calculated? Is it calculated by the youth facilities, youth coaching, etc?


15 years ago
10 hours ago

1.Here are the values that can be used for Ethnicity, Skin Tone, Hair Colour, Preferred Foot and Position:



Unknown/random = -1

Northern europe = 0

Mediterrean/hispanic = 1

North african/middle eastern = 2,

African/caribbean = 3,

Asian = 4,

South east asian = 5,

Pacific islander = 6,

Native american = 7,

Native australian = 8,

Mixed race white/black = 9

East asian = 10

Skin tone:

a value of 1-20, with 1 being the lightest and 20 being the darkest

Hair colour:

Unknown/random = 0,

Blond = 1,

Light brown = 2,

Dark brown = 3,

Red = 4,

Black = 5,

Grey = 6,

Bald = 7

Preferred foot:

Right only = 0,

Left only = 1,

Right preferred = 2,

Left preferred = 3,

Both = 4



2. No I am putting the regens at the club they started if they still exist the fav club based on where they played most games/manged etc


3.Based on their status in the game as players  and +/- not to have the DB flooded with super high rated regens but this issue exists in the normal DB

wanted to get users on board to test a few things but hey ho


to be honest mate this is just going to be a personal project by the look of it now, I will leave thread open for a few more days then crack on when I get time


15 years ago
10 hours ago

closing thread

18 years ago
18 hours ago

Hey @kingrobbo i'm just opening this up again.


I know you got frustrated before but I think this could be a great edition if given a little more publicity and maybe a proper tool/form to create new regens.

What do you think to giving it a go for FM22?


I'm thinking we could have a form where anyone could submit new regens with a simple moderation process, then the files get automatically created and it automatically manages staggering the ages (we could also randomise it so you don't get the same people coming through in the same order each year). 


I also thought it might be fun to allow people to create private regens as well e.g. creating all our school classmates, work colleagues, family, sunday league team etc. This would of course bypass any moderation process and be separate.



15 years ago
10 hours ago

 it is doable now but is very time consuming so it would have to go down a different route 


the benefit of using an edt file is you can stagger when the players come into the DB due to their D.O.B. so you wont get them all straight away 

18 years ago
18 hours ago

@kingrobbo what do you mean by a different route? Something like what I suggested with an online form that automatically generates the edt file? Or something else?

15 years ago
10 hours ago

yes an online form mate

 with the edt file you cant set up -8  -9 etc you have to set the exact amount CA or PA or both leaving them blank 


you could have ‘Maradona’ turn out with very low CA/PA if the online form can generate the -9 route I think thats better

18 years ago
18 hours ago

I think maybe we're talking past each other here, i'm just suggesting an the online form that would generate an edt file so it won't be possible to set -8 or -9 if you can't set those in edt files???



15 years ago
10 hours ago
By Footygamer 27 October 2021 - 04:34 AM UTC 

I think maybe we're talking past each other here, i'm just suggesting an the online form that would generate an edt file so it won't be possible to set -8 or -9 if you can't set those in edt files???


I will see if I can get the - PA options to work IIRC they didnt thats why I opted for static CA/PA 

18 years ago
18 hours ago

@kingrobbo can you attach the latest version of your EDT file?

15 years ago
10 hours ago

I have run a couple of tests and my  edt file does not work in FM22, the regens do not appear in game and thats over a 4 year period. Works perfectly in FM21 

Legs Benedict
3 years ago
2 months ago
By kingrobbo 27 October 2021 - 22:22 PM UTC 

I have run a couple of tests and my  edt file does not work in FM22, the regens do not appear in game and thats over a 4 year period. Works perfectly in FM21 


seconding this, left a test save run all day (with a DDT file that did work to make sure they would be loaded) and none have appeared. Anyone gotten heavy into the game data yet?

15 years ago
10 hours ago

I am back running some tests on FM21 and the good news is I have had success using -[minus] settings for PA rather than a set number

15 years ago
10 hours ago

set boniek to 105 CA  -9 PA




in game attributes/ CA-PA 



18 years ago
1 month ago
By kingrobbo 19 May 2021 - 21:50 PM UTC 


Kevin  Keegan
Robert Charlton
Bryan  Robson
Stanley  Matthews
Steve  Bloomer
Duncan  Edwards 
Gordon  Banks
Bobby Moore
Jimmy Greaves



Ian  Rush  
Kevin Radcliffe
Alan  Durban
Mike England
Alan  Curtis
John   Charles
Billy  Meredith
Neville  Southall



Only seen this, really good addition if this was continued.


For England … surely Billy Wright needs to be included.  First England player to a 100 caps.


Wales missing players could include the likes of Ivor Allchurch, Cliff Jones, Leighton James, John Toshack, Terry Yorath, Robbie James, Trevor Ford, Mark Hughes, Gary Speed, Joey Jones


15 years ago
10 hours ago

The opening post was a rough idea of the options not the definitive list


And as said it isn't working in FM 22  at this stage

15 years ago
10 hours ago

can confirm that in further tests  the regen/legends Edt file in FM22 full game has the  same result as beta, it does not work


 was fine in FM21 but not in this version

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